Hayward Power-flo matrix pump lid won't budge

Jun 7, 2015
I've tried to take it off with the pump running, I've opened the air release valve on the filter, I've closed the valve from the pool... I cannot get it off. I'm not the strongest person in the world, but I've always been able to get it off before (with a struggle). The handles are nearly impossible to hold on to without crushing my hands. Any ideas to get this darn thing off? Thanks! Here's a pic of it: Hayward Power-Flo Matrix Strainer Cover SPX5500D | Hayward SPX5500D
Welcome to the forum.

If it is screwed on so tight that you cannot remove it by hand, you are going to need a good size strap wrench to get it to budge.

Something like this (just make sure it opens big enough to fit the cover):


When you put the cover back on, put a bit of o-ring lube on the threads, it will help keep them from getting stuck together. Also, no need to tighten the heck out of the lid either... The o-ring is making the seal, the threads just keep the cover on. When I close mine, I do it with very little effort & I have not yet had a leak issue.
:wave: Welcome to TFP jojalis

Have you had it off before ?? Did you lube the O ring with silicone lube when you reinstalled it ??

I thought strap wrench too except it's going to compress on the cover and might create even more resistance to turning. Still worth a try.
Also getting a friend to help if you think there's room for another set of hands on it. Maybe with gloves that have a vinyl/rubber surface to get a grip.
Try using a hair dryer to heat lid working in a circular pattern until warm to the touch.
I always clean and fresh lube lid o-ring when bringing out of winter storage.
Like dom said no need to over tighten lid.
I really like the hair dryer idea. :goodjob: I was trying to think of how to heat it a bit to hopefully get it to expand and maybe be a little easier to turn.
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