Happy 2025 nice to hear from you again


Bronze Supporter
May 26, 2020
New york
Hello all. I hope your off-season is going well. Here it is cold, mostly in the 20's. But spring on the calendar is only 1 and 1/2 months away. So pool season here being about June is within sight. LOL.
Back when last season ended and the leaves fell like wild I kept skimming the winter cover for a few weeks and got 90-955 of the leaves and debris off of the cover to make the 2025 opening less cumbersome. I will do more as the water on the cover thaws in March and April. Hopefully, all will be really good this year. I believe the order to do things properly is as follows. If I am wrong please correct me. (LOL)
1)remove the cover and clean and brush cover
2)Fill pool
3)Brush the sides and bottom of the pool and around the stairs
4)Vacuum pool
5)check and add chemicals
5)Start the filter and leave it on for 24 hours.

The only question of the order is - do I put the filter on before adding the chemicals or is the filter the last thing to do?

Thanks again and hope you all have a great rest of your winter season.
Hey MM and Welcome back !!
1)remove the cover and clean and brush cover
2)Fill pool
3)Brush the sides and bottom of the pool and around the stairs
4)Vacuum pool
5)check and add chemicals
5)Start the filter and leave it on for 24 hours.
All good but mix for 24 hours before testing and adjusting. (y)

You can assemble the equipment while the pool is filling, or even get it mostly set up one of the warmer weekends before you're ready so there's less to do when you open.

Remeber to let the thermometer dictate your opening, not the calender. If it's warmer early, it's time to open.

Also remember that the early/late season doesn't need nearly as much effort so its no big deal to open if it's warmer but still too cool to want to swim. Better to be open and not feel like swimming yet than to wait too long and get a swamp. Once a week (?) doses of chlorine in the early season are well worth the 5 mins they take.
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Also, tftestkits.net is planning a 20% off sale for refills from March 1 to March 30.
Nice talking with you again(chatting? writing? LOL) I will be on the lookout for test kits sale. Thank you. As for your recommendations above- On Number 5 - you mentioned to CHECK and add chemicals and then as a postscript you said to let the filter run for 24 hours and then TEST and ADJUST. Do I add ANYTHING after filling the pool OR should I WAIT for the 24 hours to go by before adding anything?
Mix before testing at all. Once it's well mixed, test and adjust, then test to confirm you hit your targets.
Mix before testing at all. Once it's well mixed, test and adjust, then test to confirm you hit your targets.
sorry to sound like I am lost but I am LOL--- when you say MIX before testing- MIX what? just the water being filtered? with NO bleach etc? Then AFTER the 24 hours do my FIRST testing and add and adjust? Sorry for the confusion on my part.
You know the rules old friend, ask as many times as you need and we'll be happy to rewind or slow down. :)

Yes. Mix the water well with the pump/filter before testing. Then test.

The FC, Ph and TA don't need long, a half hour mixing is probably plenty. CYA and calcium need a full day before you trust them, although you don't care about Calcium with a vinyl pool.
You know the rules old friend, ask as many times as you need and we'll be happy to rewind or slow down. :)

Yes. Mix the water well before testing. Then test.

The FC, Ph and TA don't need long, a half hour mixing is probably plenty. CYA and calcium need a full day before you trust them, although you don't care about Calcium with a vinyl pool.
Thank you for your kindness--I appreciate you and the others.
P.S. From what I remember from last year - IF and that is an "IF" I purchase a pool heater then and only then Do I need to test for CH??

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