Frog system classification


New member
Aug 7, 2020
Long Island, NY
Hi - navigating the waters here. Was recently sold a "Frog Mineral System." Went to get water tested and poo store asked me if its chlorine, salt or other. Their chemical analyzer said it can't read "other" types of sanitizing. Was I just sold a chlorine system in a veil? How do I get my water tested - anyone use the frog system?
Was I just sold a chlorine system in a veil? How do I get my water tested - anyone use the frog system?
You were sold a system that uses copper and/or silver to inhibit algae, which in a perfect scenario will work. It does absolutely nothing for sanitizing so you still need to add chlorine. You have a chlorine pool with harmful metals being added to it. They ultimately stain the pool, it’s parts and the swimmers but by the time you figure that out they have sold you many expensive replacement cartridges. The ‘system’ can stay connected with no harm. You would be best to remove the cartridge immediately and treat the pool as a regular old pool.

ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry is how to do it but you’ll need a reliable test kit to DIY. The TF-100 from is the gold standard and a small investment to protect your whopping pool investment. We have 230k+ members to guide you until you are answering questions yourself. :)

Welcome to TFP. We all got here in a similar way and most of us never left.
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Not sure exactly what cartridges are in your system but generally its a trichlor cart & a separate “mineral” cart along with extra expensive potions that u must add all while trying to pretend it doesn’t need as much chlorine to sanitize your pool.
It is a chlorine based system w/ extra junk mixed in.
Here’s the link to all the msds sheets for their products so u can see for yourself what’s going in your pool

The general consensus around here is that u can save alot of $ & headache by just sticking w/ proper free chlorine levels based on the FC/CYA Levels in the 1st place & just don’t feed the frog as it is a glorified puck dispenser w/ unnecessary & potentially harmful extras.
Here’s some light reading on the subject 👇
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I "had" a Frog system. It has been inactive for YEARS. The pool builder suggested it for the "minerals". Later I found out that you can get Trichlor cartridges that fit inside. They are mondo expensive! They are also convenient, if you go on vacation. Before my TFP conversion, I cut one open with the idea of putting 1" tables in the thing. The ONLY good the thing has done was save the space needed to install a SWG which I plan to install tomorrow.
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