Forum Newbie with big problems


New member
Aug 10, 2024
Upstate NY
I have an in ground pool with sand filter. I've had three professionals come out to help me this year and nothing has worked.
I'm considering fully draining the pool and refilling it. But my neighbors won't appreciate it since we share a drainage easement along our backyards.
I had a pool company open my pool this spring. I vacuumed religiously and water chemistry was near perfect but it wouldn't clear. You couldn't see past the first step on the side ladder. I added flocculent and saw that there were loads of leaves and sand covering the bottom. I called the second set of professionals. They said nothing was wrong except the phosphorus level. Third professional came soon after. There was a broken part that needed replacement and that caused the sand to go into the pool. He replaced it and added back sand.
I still had to deal with the debris on the bottom. Every time I go to vacuum, it immediately clouds the water and I can't see a thing. I've tried vacuuming to waste, backwash and rinse, nothing is helping.
We just want to swim once this year. We got a brand new liner last year and can't enjoy it. :cry:
The experts will be along shortly and they will tell you to SLAM your pool. They will post links on how to do it. You will need a good test kit and they will give you this link Swimming Pool Test Kits Compared

Just go ahead and buy the TF-100 Pro with Smartstir. Your life will be much better.

BTW. Welcome!!!! The team here will get you through this, it is fairly easy.

The biggest leap of faith is buying the test kit, once you do that everything else will be easy.
I have an in ground pool with sand filter. I've had three professionals come out to help me this year and nothing has worked.
I'm considering fully draining the pool and refilling it. But my neighbors won't appreciate it since we share a drainage easement along our backyards.
I had a pool company open my pool this spring. I vacuumed religiously and water chemistry was near perfect but it wouldn't clear. You couldn't see past the first step on the side ladder. I added flocculent and saw that there were loads of leaves and sand covering the bottom. I called the second set of professionals. They said nothing was wrong except the phosphorus level. Third professional came soon after. There was a broken part that needed replacement and that caused the sand to go into the pool. He replaced it and added back sand.
I still had to deal with the debris on the bottom. Every time I go to vacuum, it immediately clouds the water and I can't see a thing. I've tried vacuuming to waste, backwash and rinse, nothing is helping.
We just want to swim once this year. We got a brand new liner last year and can't enjoy it. :cry:
If you have a leaf net, use that to scoop as much off the bottom as possible. Vaccum cant handle large amounts of debris like that. Then yea, you’ll need to start the SLAM process as mentioned above. Those professionals you hired dont seem to be very good.