Filter dripping water droplets


New member
Jun 20, 2024
Nesconset, NY
Hi there! Just moved into a house with a sunken pool and a DE filter. We decided to open the filter to clean it out. We rinsed the cartridge that was inside and placed it back in. In trying to close the filter again, we tightened the ring until we hit the safety block and can’t tighten anymore. When we turned the filter back on, the top popped up a bit and we see some droplets from the bottom of the ring every few seconds. Any ideas how to remedy this?


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The one thing you might try over the weekend if you haven't already is to give that filter body O-ring a nice coating of pool silicone lube. Then as you are tightening the two halves together, watch to ensure the O-ring stays in place as best as you can. You might also gently wiggle or move the top half while tightening to help the O-ring sit properly.
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