Filter building pressure


Jun 5, 2024
New York
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Hello everyone, I have a situation that I can’t seem to figure out my pool filter. Build pressure at a rapid rate now the filter is barely even dirty if anything at all when I backwash it. It is not my pump. I run my pump on recirculation and everything is fine. This only happens when I put it on filtration mode and I do see bubbles coming out of the return, only on filtration mode I have checked everywhere. There are no drips no leaks, but the pressure that builds in the filter backs up all the way into the pump basket to the point where there’s only about a half inch to 2 inches of water in my pump basket does anybody know what this could be? My pool has been perfectly balanced for the last three days.
There is nothing clogging it, I have it taken it apart and nothing comes off the grids I even bought brand new grids
With the new grids I have added none on purpose to see how quickly the pressure spikes without it and with some cases it’s ask quick as 15 minutes. It’s starts off at 12-14 PSI and then spikes to max in the gauge and the pump begins to lose prime I’m guessing from the build up of pressure
With the new grids I have added none on purpose to see how quickly the pressure spikes without it and with some cases it’s ask quick as 15 minutes. It’s starts off at 12-14 PSI and then spikes to max in the gauge and the pump begins to lose prime I’m guessing from the build up of pressure

You should not run a DE filter without DE. It will clog and ruin the grids. The grids are not made to be cleaned and it can be impossible to get the grids unclogged. The DE is there to protect the grids and capture the debris.

You should add DE within 5 to 10 minutes of getting the pump running with clean grids.
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