Fas dpd test discrepancy

Aug 16, 2016
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Was wondering if same phenomenon ever happened to anyone else, I'm a little OCD at times but my readings btw two styles are inconsistent.
Just completed slam and was performing oclt this morning.
1.I used a 10 ml sample and one scoop of powder.
I knew it would be close to 20 drops so I did ten in a row, swirled, then 5 more drops, swirled,
then one drop at a time til it cleared at 23 drops
2. I tested immediately a second time at the 10ml. This time I knew it was 23 drops, so I got my sample and did a straight 20 drops in a row, then one at a time and it took me to 26 drops vs 23 drops
3. I tested a third way, for fun and giggles, and I used a 10 ml sample but put in two scoops, like Taylor doesn't specify in directions how many scoops for a 10 ml, so I just tried the two scoops. The results were 28 drops. I did 20 str8 drops then one at a time 8 more.

So, should one always put one drop in at a time and swirl, or knowing it's high, do what I was doing with a bunch of drops in a row? Should it be one or two scoops of dpd powder for 10ml?
Just curious if anybody else ever tried this? It really had me puzzled for the oclt test, since every drop counts to complete
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I'm guessing you don't have a speed stir or smart stir? If not, I believe it would solve this issue right away. You want to apply each drop individually while mixing/stirring. That's tough to do by hand, An automatic stirrer will provide the most accurate and consistent results.

I'm guessing you don't have a speed stir or smart stir? If not, I believe it would solve this issue right away. You want to apply each drop individually while mixing/stirring. That's tough to do by hand, An automatic stirrer will provide the most accurate and consistent results.

Thanks, I do not have one...for.the 10 ml sample, do you use 1 or two scoops of dpd powder?
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