Decisions on size and spa location


Jun 2, 2024
I’m currently torn between having a 16x32 pool with the spa integrated into the pool or a 15x30 pool with the spa outside the pool with spillover.

For the integrated option, the spa would be in the shallow end next to the tanning shelf. It would be half tanning shelf half 6x6 spa (with 1ft coping in between), stairs in front of tanning shelf (perhaps with 2nd stair spanning all the way across, in front of spa as a long bench). This option could either be flush or elevated with spillover.

The second option would be to have the spa outside of the pool over the deep end, raised 18’ with a spillover feature. This would allot the tanning shelf in shallow end to go all the way across, but have the stairs on the side of shelf vs in front. We could also do a larger spa in this case (maybe 8x8).

The total square footage of both options is roughly the same. (16x32=512sqft, 15x30 + 8x8=515sqft).

Anyone have thoughts on what would be better. I realize it’s a personal preference, but wondering if there are any considerations I should be thinking of. I assume the equipment would be same either way. Maybe a little more material, tile, coping needed for option with spa external? Thanks!
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I do not like spas flush with the pool as hot spa water is too easily lost to the pool or cold pool water comes back into the spa. The levels of the pool/spa wall must be perfect for the barrier between the two to work properly and many builders and their subcontractors don't build with that quality.

Putting the spa outside the pool envelope or alongside the tanning shelf is an esthetic choice.
As mentioned earlier, your builder must be spot on with elevation’s when constructing a +0” spa (see photo), they require more attention than your typical +18” outside the pool spas.
I rarely have requests for spas that are located inside the envelope of the pool due to the amount of pool area that they encroach upon.
Spa sizes of 7’X7’ are rarely requested by the customer, typically 8’X8’ or much larger are wanted in order to fulfill the needs of the family.
A raised spa of 18” will have a nice sound to the water falling for white noise in the backyard.IMG_5856.png
Update, we’re actually leaning towards 16x32 (3.5’-6’ with 7’ tanning ledge) with raised spa outside envelope with spillover into pool. I have a question about equipment.

If I go with a Pentair 3hp intelliflo VSP, would that be enough to power the pool, 8 jet spa, and a bubbler on tanning ledge?

Also looking like I’ll go with Pentair Intellichlor IC40 and Pentair 420 cartridge filter with master temp 400k btu heater. Would love any feedback!

I always recommend a dedicated spa jet pump for more then 6 spa jets.

This is my spa setup...

I'm very happy with our flush with the pool spa, mainly because it allows an auto-cover to cover everything. It is true that if there is a lot of activity in the main part of the pool a fair amount of cool pool water ends up cooling down the SPA (ie when the grandchildren visit) but 99% of the time it's just my wife and myself so not really a problem.
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