Builder Equipment Options


Apr 29, 2023
Hi all,
I haven’t posted in a while because we ran into some permit issues, and builder reputation issues, but now we are about to sign a contract for a pool! We are going with a different builder so their filter/pump/SWG packages are different. They offer all Pentair products but I am not familiar with them at all.
We are planning a 600sq ft free form, gunite with Pebble sheen. 3.5 ft to 6ft. No water features. I am going to post the shape/first design of our pool and screen shots of the two options we have to choose from. My questions are…

1. Someone mentioned to me that the Pentair 1hp Whisperflo that the builder offers, is outdated and a poor choice. Is this true?
2. The cost of the Cartridge filter option is $2,137 and the upgraded DE is $3,531. Which is a better option?
3. Does Pentair make quality products?
I’ve done my research and this builder has a good reputation and we have seen their previous work in person. I just do not know anything about the equipment aspect. Any and all advice is welcome and so appreciated!


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You want the 3hp Intelliflow VSP. Bigger pump means lower rpms consume less power.
Pentair is quality.
Cartridge filter, for sure.
SWCG needs to be 2-3x the size of your pool.
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Thank you! Should I just tell the PB I’d prefer a different pump and see what the cost difference is?
Yes absolutely. I went through this same thing last year when we were getting multiple quotes. What I found is that every builder had a different opinion on what equipment they recommended so I came here to get more info. I built a list of makes and models of what I wanted (per the recommendations of the experts here) and then sent that specific list to the builders we were considering so we could do a true apples-to-apples comparison. I went with a Pentair IntelliFlo 3hp VSF for our smaller pool and I'm glad I did.
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Yes absolutely. I went through this same thing last year when we were getting multiple quotes. What I found is that every builder had a different opinion on what equipment they recommended so I came here to get more info. I built a list of makes and models of what I wanted (per the recommendations of the experts here) and then sent that specific list to the builders we were considering so we could do a true apples-to-apples comparison. I went with a Pentair IntelliFlo 3hp VSF for our smaller pool and I'm glad I did.
Ok, I’ll be sure to bring it up to them. About what size is your pool? I definitely want to make sure we have adequate equipment. Our pool will be 25ft at the widest and 35ft in length.
Insist on the 3HP Intelliflo3 pump with the optional control panel. If you are not getting IntelliCenter or IntelliConnect automation then get the IO board on the Intelliflo3 to control the IntelliChlor and pool light.
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