Broad Range of Recommended Chemical Levels


Bronze Supporter
Mar 10, 2016
Medford, Oregon
I have relied on this forum for a wealth of information, including "ideal" chemical levels. And the rational behind these recommended levels certainly seems to be based on good science. Nevertheless, I cannot help but wonder why there is such a divergence from these "ideal" levels as recommended by industry stalwarts such as Pentair & the National Plaster Council (e.g. calcium hardness & total alkalinity) I can only assume that these entities rely on similar science. Admittedly, however, there is certainly some overlap with all of these recommendations. Your thoughts? Thank you.
recommended by industry stalwarts such as Pentair & the National Plaster Council (e.g. calcium hardness & total alkalinity)

Oh that's funny!!! Industry stalwarts who have things to sell to you.

I can only assume that these entities rely on similar science.

Science from the last century that they have not updated in many years.

Admittedly, however, there is certainly some overlap with all of these recommendations. Your thoughts? Thank you.

TFP recommendations are based on the latest science and confirmed by the hundreds of thousands of members where it works.

The science is explained throughout Pool School & Further Reading &

Don't get me wrong. I have (and will continue) to rely on the collective wisdom of the folks on this forum. It has served me well. However, I am not willing to categorize everyone else in the industry as being mired in outdated science & driven by profit motivation. Just not fair.
I am not willing to categorize everyone else in the industry as being mired in outdated science & driven by profit motivation. Just not fair.

Some are better then others which is why you find water chemistry recommendations all over the map.
However, I am not willing to categorize everyone else in the industry as being mired in outdated science & driven by profit motivation. Just not fair.
Well then, what did they say to back up their recommendations? I mean, in the interest of fairness I have to assume you contacted each and every one of these companies to find out the "science" they used to come up with their numbers. So for us to offer a rebuttal we need to know what they told you.
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