Black waterline tile with Blue Surf


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Leaning towards blue surf pebble sheen. Our pool will mostly be in shade, or I think midnight blue would be best with black tile, but I’m not wanting a super dark pool. Our water line tile and spa surround is matte black. I’m wondering if I need to do a more grey finish because of this, but I love the vibrancy of blue surf! All opinions welcome. Thank you in advance!
I have helped build a couple/few pools. I will tell you the Blue smurf surf is my all time fav plaster color! The thought of the black waterline tile sounds SO pretty!!!

Now saying that you will have to have very tight control on your water balance to keep from forming a white line on the black tile. You will have to go around every once in a while to wipe them down.

You have come the right place to learn just how to control your water chemical balances! Just let us know if you are interested in learning the Trouble Free way of pool care!
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