Beginner - First Time Tester

Jul 17, 2017
Fort Worth, TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hello! I did a Standard Sampler Test with my new TF-Pro kit, then ran real test using pool water.
Can you give this a look over and let me know if these look within reason/I'm on right track before I start adding Liquid chlorine?
Water is clear, but fighting green algae along tile lines.
Thank you!
Latest Test Result Summary:
FC: 0.5
pH: 8.2
TA: 170
CH: 125
CYA: 95
CSI: 0.51
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Welcome to TFP! Good job testing your own water. Now for the good and the bad:
1 - Your CYA is too high and you have algae. Even if just at the waterline, it's there and you need to start a SLAM Process. Problem is with the CYA that high it requires a very high FC level. Would you be willing to exchange some water first? If you exchanged about half of the water, your CYA should fall down to about 50-60. That would be much better.

If you elect to exchange some water first, do that, run new tests, and post back.

2 - Now if elect to just go forward with what you have now, this is what I would say:
a. Lower the pH to around 7.2-7.4 with muriatic acid.
b. Increase the FC to "39". Yes, that high but required based on that elevated CYA as noted on the FC/CYA Levels. Maintain that elevated FC level and follow the SLAM Process page until you pass all 3 SLAM criteria.
c. Double check your CH test. That's a bit low. Make sure you are going all the way to the end of the test to the light baby blue color.

Personally, I would exchange some water first to get the CYA down to around 50-60, then start the SLAM, but your call. Let us know if you have any questions.
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