Beach Entry: flagstone or Pebblesheen


Gold Supporter
Jan 12, 2008
Braselton, Ga
We have most our coping done, a good bit of the bond beam wall, and spa with the stone installed. We are using Limestone for the wall, and Oklahoma Flagstone for the coping. Sealed with Dry Treat 40SK.

We originally were going to install flagstone for the beach entry, its what by pool builder has at his house and there are several pools around that have it.

My wife today asked why we were not just carrying the Pebblesheen all the way up.

Would you:

1) Go with the flagstone on the beach entry floor, knowing that the grout lines and stones can wear. Same flagstone as the coping. ....We are sealing with dry treat 40SK.

2) Take the pebblesheen all the way from the pool onto the beach entry?

Attached are some pics:


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I would love to say the plaster BUT plaster is NOT meant to be out of the water. I am not sure what happens if it is but that is what I was taught. I will do some digging to see if I can find the why nots.
Yes doesntcthe plaster need to stay wet in warm climate or it will dry out and crack? I remember asking my builder when we lowered last year and said won’t it crack and he said it’s too cold now to do any real damage and the sun is off it.

I would do the flagstone. That will look awesome. Just like walking out into a river to cast a line! Lol

when it needs to be regrouted lowercthe water. Dry it out and redo I would think. What if they use epoxy for the grout. What about no grout and butt the joints? Just throwing it out there.

From what I’ve read around here, pool finishes need to stay in water. If they don’t stay hydrated they dry and crack. I want to say there is a current post where someone is having this very problem. I will try to find and post it. Based on that I’d say stick with flagstone. My neighbors pool has a beach entry with flagstone and its about 10yrs old and it still looks good.

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This is short but very true! B is a master pool builder. He is my go to guy for all questions about pool so this is who I listen to first. He just happens to agree with what I said so that makes it even better LOL

Thanks Kim and B....flagstone was our original plan—-will stick with it.

I really considered the flame thrower ecobright finish but could
Not get a reply back from any of the Atlanta installers to talk with them....I love the idea of a chemically inert finish
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