!!! Balboa experts— Spa pack question?


New member
Jun 12, 2024
Victoria, Canada

I recently purchased a secondhand VS501 spa pack and a new VL 200 topside. On power up it'll display then display <24>, <Pr>, pause, jets come on, <-->, temperature displayed, and orange light below light button come on.

The pump and heat will stay on until <OH> is displayed and it shuts off. Any ideas what my next step should be?


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Likely a stuck heater relay. The heater has 3 relays, two controlled by the high-limit circuit which turn on any time the spa is not overheated, and one that switches with thermostat demand.
Allow spa to cool. Turn on power and lower set temp below current temp to turn off thermostat circuit and test voltage at the heater with one test lead on each heater terminal, do not test to ground or use a no-contact voltage tester. If you have 240v you have a stuck relay. If not you likely have a sensor issue.
Relays can be replaced by an electronics repair shop if your soldering skills are not up to the job.
@RDspaguy Thank you for your response!

I followed your instructions and set the temperature below the current temperature to turn off the thermostat circuit and test the voltage at the heater with one test lead on each heater terminal. The voltage was "0" indicating that it is likely a sensor issue.

I am not able to control <jets> and often not the <temp down> from the topside controller ( I purchased "new" -- however it still could be the problem). There is a constant orange light below the <light> button.

What do you recommend? Should I check the sensors?

Cheers, Ryan
Unplug the topside. The spa should run automated functions (heater, filtration) without it. It's just buttons and a display.
Sensors can be tested with an ohm meter in the 20k range.
Switch dipswitch A3 to the on position. I'm pretty sure that's a mini panel. I wouldn't think that would overheat it, but it could solve your button issues.
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