Anyone have any ideas....contacted INYO pools 6 days ago...


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Silver Supporter
Dec 13, 2021
Port Orange, Florida
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
So, yes Ian came through 09/28-29 and we caught 16plus inches of wind driven rain. When power was restored to my home my VGreen 270vs pump had no power light when I restored the breaker. I dried it out the best that I could, and it still wouldn't' run. So to the point.

On 10/04/2022 I opened a warranty support ticket OL with INYO pools ( my pump was purchased 12/21/2021). NO RESPONSE back from INYO pools as of today.

On 10/07/2022 requested status from INYO pools and next steps in their process.....still no response.

ANY IDEAS ?? I see lots of referrals to INYO POOLS generated by users of this site for pumps, filters, etc., I assume generating sales for them.

Anyone have a go to contact with INYOPools that I can call on to look into my ticket.
My support ticket is #713763


Finally heard from INYOpools today on my 10/04/2022 warranty claim. The VGREEN 2.7VS has been discontinued and because Its under warranty they will give me a refund. So its decision time on another VS purchase, to get a big brand name (Pentair, Hayward) VS pump or a newer unknown brand to the pool pump market (B&D, CalM)?
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I wasn't a fan of the discount pumps for quite some time, but we've seen a fair amount of members using them with no issues. At times they are half the price and would only have to last half as long to break even. If they last longer than that, it's all gravy. (y)
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