Air, Water and Solar Temp Open on Jandy RS8


Bronze Supporter
Sep 6, 2016
Lake Mary, FL
Hello All -- we live in Central Florida and we just came out of hurricane Ian with only minor issues (lucky us)
  • The night before the storm, power kept coming up/down and we were down for 3 days. We got power back and our Jandy RS8 panel reads "Air Temp Open" and "Water Temp Open".
  • I ran the diagnostic and it says the same, as well as "Solar Temp Open". The diagnostics says "No Errors"
  • I shut down the Jandy control board, waited 30 seconds and restarted. There was a bit of clicking during the startup, and the messages are still there.
  • I have a hard time believing that all 3 sensors went bad at the same time. We did not get any dead branch falling on the pool pad.
  • The more likely scenario is that the control board went bad.
Any other suggestion? There used to be a repair company (bpelectronics) but their site seems inactive.
Have you checked the sensor connections to the PCB on the upper right of the board?

If the sensor connections look good then remove each sensor wires and check the sensor resistance using a multimeter. It should be around 10K.


OK - I disconnected each sensor and measured the resistance:
Air = 8.6 kohm (air temperature is 86 and the resistance corresponds to 83 degrees)
Water = 9.6 kohm (I did not check with a thermometer but 79 degrees seem about right)
Solar = 5.1 kohm (sensor is on a shingle roof and exposed to sun)

So it looks like the sensors seem to be functioning but the circuit board has an issue?

Sounds like it is the PCB. Examine the board for and signs of burnt components.

BP Engineering has repaired Jandy boards. They can be contacted at bpengineering "at" sbcglobal "dot" net
OK - I disconnected each sensor and measured the resistance:
Air = 8.6 kohm (air temperature is 86 and the resistance corresponds to 83 degrees)
Water = 9.6 kohm (I did not check with a thermometer but 79 degrees seem about right)
Solar = 5.1 kohm (sensor is on a shingle roof and exposed to sun)

So it looks like the sensors seem to be functioning but the circuit board has an issue?

Same situation, same storm, but with Intellicenter and only with the solar sensor terminals - my sensor and wiring was hit during the storm, possibly causing a short (or maybe even a small strike that somehow only burnt those terminals?). Multimeter tested the sensor just fine, and the known working sensors have the same issue. Would love to know if you found out anything other than a board replacement - I can't even find my board in stock anywhere.
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