

Bronze Supporter
Sep 3, 2018
Gilbert, AZ
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
You know the white piece that screws into the pipe to make the aerator like a sprinkler? I have no idea what that's called. Anyway, so they come in different radiuses? The placement of ours makes it spray all over the deck because it's back in a curve. I don't like the idea of all that salt going into our plants. I've been using it a lot for a few weeks trying to get the TA down. If there isn't, does anyone have a hack so it doesn't spray as wide?
You should be able to throttle the flow to the aerator with the valve at the equipmemt pad.

You can also make a custom aerator with a few PVC pipe fittings. This would allow you to point the flow in a specific direction. These would replace the present aerator.
I tried turning it down so it's not on as high but it still goes onto the deck. It's hard to see but you can kind of tell where the deck is wet.

Certainly not the best of locations.

  • Take it out completely and head over to HD, Lowes or Ace.
  • Buy a threaded 2"-3" nipple to match the threads on the original aerator and also 3-4 threaded caps. The reason for 2-3 threaded caps is you may mess up a few in this experiment.
  • Thread the nipple into the deck sidewall and screw on one cap (snug).
  • Using a magic marker, mark 2, 3 or 4 spots on the cap where you's like water to exit (consider where that water will spray).
  • Remove cap.
  • Drill small holes where the marks are. Start with small holes, you can always make them larger. You can also angle the holes.
  • Replace threaded cap on aerator pipe.
  • Test it out. If you screw up, toss that cap and start fresh with a new one.
Once you find the right combination of hole sizes, angles, valve position, etc, you will have a custom aerator that blows out water exactly where you want it - hopefully before you run out of caps.

This custom aerator should stick out less than an inch further than the original.
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