Adding spill over button to iaqualink


May 15, 2024
Reviving thread below which explained what is needed to add a spillover button in the iAquaLink. Need a bit more detail on how this is done. When I hit spa fill on my box it does what I want it to do. (It turns spa drain off, opens pool drains, and returns all water to spa to create a spill over effect).

How do I add that button to the app. There was a thread about this (below) but it doesn’t explain how to get this to show up in your menu. It just assumes it will show up after “a dip switch is set”. Can someone give more detail.

Previous message:

Jandy's "Spillover" function takes the #3 auxiliary spot. If it is not showing in your menu, then it wasn't set up by your PB on the RS board. It requires a dip switch to be set, and the Aux 3 plug receptacle to be empty (move anything plugged in there to an empty Aux spot on the board.)

Once you have that in your menu, you can set Spillover pump speed in the VSP set-up.
What is written in the other post is correct.
Jandy has a preprogrammed feature for spillover but it has to be activated. The activation is the dipswitch #3
Tell us what equipment you have.
Also show a photo of the AquaLink box with the panel off to show the relays. What do you have connected to the AUX 3 relay now?
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