Above Ground pool heaters

May 21, 2018
Salem, Ohio
Hi all, I am new to the forum and new to owning a pool. We have an 24ft above ground pool and live in Ohio. I was wondering if anyone has a pool heater for their above ground pool? I want a heater, but do not want to buy a heater for 2k............any suggestions? what does everyone have? good, bad? Thank you!
Only thing I've ever tried is a solar blanket. During a few days of ho weather, it made quite a difference, but without a roller to easily take it off and on, it was kind of a pain to deal with.

I'm contemplating trying a solar heater/blanket combo this year.
I have an older ( 2011) Hayward H250 natural gas heater for our pool. We had problems with the control panel going out on it at the start of the second season. We were able to have the part replaced under warranty and haven't had any problems since. It takes about an hour to raise the water temp 1 degree for our size pool. We are lucky to have a gas well on our farm and have free gas. Even with the free gas we have solar panels which help supplement the gas heater.
I have solar panels and a heat pump. Both are great options to heat a pool.

A simple solar cover that is used regularly with do a lot to help keep heat in the pool, if you add a heater to the pool a solar cover is a must have item or you are just wasting heat.

Unfortunately heating a pool your size isn't going to be cheap and the devices that make it look cheap to do are generally just a waste of money in the long run. It takes a lot of energy to heat 13,000 gallons of water there is no way to get around that. From a DIY perspective probably the cheapest option is solar panels if you are doing all the work yourself. Even then its still a $1000 dollar project.
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