Green to Clean in 4 days

Hi all,

Last post was about the awesome price of chlorine here in Central Florida. I needed some because my pool went to heck while I was away on business and the weather warmed from high in the low 60's to high in the upper 80's during the week I was gone. I bought 10 gal of 10% from my local pool store for $14 out the door. 5 gal a few filter cleanings and a lot of brushing later and my pool was clean.

Before and afters:


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I was able to post the Before/After photos from your Flickr account in this post for all to view. Looking at these photo's I would be concerned that your are not completely finished with the SLAM Process process. Can you post a set of your personal test results so we can help improve the quality of your water?


Thank you for helping with the pics, not sure what I was doing wrong.

PH=7.2 (aerating to bring up slowly, my eyes are happy at 7.4)
CH=190 (little low, bringing up now)

Pictures are a touch cloudy because my filter is undersized so I had just cleaned it and brushed. Water is much clearer than the picture does justice. No more sediment when I brushed today.
And if it is the step stains you are referring to. I inherited the pool from a 2 year vacant foreclosure. There are stains and plaster imperfections all around the pool. It will need a refinish (and new tile as you can see from one of the pics) in the near future. I drained the pool a long while ago while I was battling a leak and I did a straight chlorine and an acid wash (not at the same time) on the steps and it didn't help.
Your pool, although pitted and needing a new finish, is not done SLAM'ing. When I see haziness where the Sun is beating on the side of the wall and spa, it does not reflect clear and sparkly water. It should shimmer like glass regardless of how ugly your finish is.

Keep going. You will see what I'm talking about when the pool gets there. And is that a mosaic of a crab? I should be able to see that without asking.
I will snap a new picture tonight when I get home. All of the OCLT tests and conditions say it is done. As I said before, those after pics were taken 4 minutes after brushing and there was some gray sediment clouding the water a touch. I have a 75 sqft cartridge filter and it takes a bit to finish making the water sparkling clear. As of yesterday there was no more sediment when I brushed.

The mosaic on the floor is a lobster, there are 2 turtles and a crab on the side wall. I will turn the pump off and get a pic of them tonight.

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