48Y Motor Spacer...How to use??

JSnake Repair

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
I have a Pentair Challenger HP setup that I am replacing the motor on. My previous model was an Emerson 1081 Pool Motor 'K63CXESF-4793' (56Y), and my new one is a Century USQ1202 "1081" (48Y). I am aware I am taking a drop in true HP.

I have this rubber spacer block with adhesive on one side, but there is no documentation ANYWHERE on how to install it. Common sense suggests I should cut 3 small squares off and apply to locations in the photo...but then why did they not provide 3 pre-cut squares?

Please help...


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10 C35- 11 Motor Pad



11B 355385 Adapter, 5-5/8 in. dia. motor


What is the difference between 48Y & 56Y?

Both have the same exact size square flange.

The 56Y motor body diameter is 1″ larger than 48Y, so the 48Y usually includes a 1/2″ rubber spacer if required when mounting.

Body diameter is the only difference, they can be inter-changed.

48Y frame is 5 5/8" in diameter, has same flange as 56Y, just smaller diameter motor
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The only difference between the 56Y and 48Y is the circumference (width) of the motor.

They will both mount to the seal plate but the 48Y will need an optional spacer (that comes with the motor) to sit on to make up for the difference in size.

56Y frame is 6 3/4" in diameter, has same flange as 48Y
You must change your impeller to match.
In the previous setup, the Emerson motor had a True Horsepower rating of 2.6 (2HP x 1.3SF). My new Century Pump has a True Horsepower rating of 2.2 on the label.

Previously used parts were as shown in the image, this is what I have purchased to replace them (as the impeller and spacer are quite worn; diffuser did not really need replacement). It appears reviewing page 12 of the manual, that I have the equivalent of a 355027S (a 2HP motor)...and that they were using the WRONG parts prior (for a 1.5HP motor, not surprising). If they had been using the correct parts, I would actually not have need to change my impeller (or diffuser)...but now I do.


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