Trying to open pool and the water still isn't clear

May 27, 2008
I have a 7,600 gallon above ground pool. The water is green and hasn't changed color in the past 3 weeks. I have been SLAMing the pool. Nothing has changed

Results with test (current as in the past hour)
pH 7.2
FC 10 (has 1-2 loss overnight)
CC 2
TA 70
CH 200
CYA not registering (added 23 oz of cya 2 days ago)

I have a cartridge filter which is cleaned every day.

Should I drain the pool and refill?
Is the water clear or murky?

If murky, you might still have a bunch of waterlogged compost in the bottom that's robbing FC and feeding algae. The 2 CC would indicate there's something organic in the water reacting with the bleach
If clear but green, then I'd suspect someone used copper algaecide.
I am using TF-100 test kit. The water is checked 4 times a day and bleach is added to keep at shock level 10.
It's a cloudy green

- - - Updated - - -

The water isn't clear. It's more murky. The pool has been vacuumed and brushed daily. We did get a lot of leaves out originally. Not much is coming up while vacuuming and brushing anymore
Please take and share a pic so we can see what you are dealing with.

Please fill in your signature with your pool kind, size in gals, equipment type and your great test kit. Go to settings (upper right of this page) then edit signature (middle left).


I came home from work tonight and found this

I guess I'm finally getting ahead of it. I was able to see some leaves in the center of the pool so I got those out. I double checked my husband's testing today

FC 5
CC 1
TC 6
pH 7.2
TA 90
CH 210
CYA 20 (it's finally cloudy and I couldn't see the black dot at 20! There is still some more CYA to dissolve and hopefully it will be perfect)

Going to add more bleach to bring FC up to 10

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I purchased one of those 6 way test kits. Followed the directions to the letter and I couldn't clear up the water. Went old school. Chlorine and ph test only. With in 18 hours, the water was crystal clear.

What were you doing with that test kit that made any difference in a SLAM using just chlorine? Were you also trying to alter other chemical parameters during the slam??

Color me confused Poppop, but I'm glad you got your pool in order :)

Maddie :flower:
I didnt see any comments about what might be on the bottom (organic matter) and it is really important to brush the sides and bottom at LEAST once a day during a slam. If you have a bunch of leaves on the bottom it will take a truckload of bleach to oxidize it.. If you dig it out and dump it you wont need as much bleach. Been there Done That.... Keep it up and Good Luck ..
I am using TF-100 test kit. The water is checked 4 times a day and bleach is added to keep at shock level 10.

The water isn't clear. It's more murky. The pool has been vacuumed and brushed daily. We did get a lot of leaves out originally. Not much is coming up while vacuuming and brushing anymore

I didnt see any comments about what might be on the bottom (organic matter) and it is really important to brush the sides and bottom at LEAST once a day during a slam. If you have a bunch of leaves on the bottom it will take a truckload of bleach to oxidize it.. If you dig it out and dump it you wont need as much bleach. Been there Done That.... Keep it up and Good Luck ..

Please note this post from the OP. :hug:
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