The pool guy opened the pool a few days ago and today I want to use the heater for the first time. I made sure he tested the heater operation while he was here, but like a fool I didn't have him make sure it was actually heating the pool water, which it isn't.
The heater is a Raypak 406A, 400,000 btu, fueled by propane. In the photo you can see an upper inlet pipe coming from the filter and a lower outlet pipe going back to the pool. In between there is a vertical bypass pipe which was open this morning. With the heater operating, the outlet pipe felt warm to the touch up to the bypass but was cold on the downstream side. No hot water flowing into the pool. The heater shut itself off twice with a error message "Hi Limit 2 Fault" but restarted.
I called my pool guy and he said to close the bypass valve. I did that, but now the entire outlet pipe is cold to the touch. There are no more error messages, though. Still no hot water coming into the pool.
Any advice on whether this bypass valve should be open or closed? Do you think there might be another problem with the heater?
The heater is a Raypak 406A, 400,000 btu, fueled by propane. In the photo you can see an upper inlet pipe coming from the filter and a lower outlet pipe going back to the pool. In between there is a vertical bypass pipe which was open this morning. With the heater operating, the outlet pipe felt warm to the touch up to the bypass but was cold on the downstream side. No hot water flowing into the pool. The heater shut itself off twice with a error message "Hi Limit 2 Fault" but restarted.
I called my pool guy and he said to close the bypass valve. I did that, but now the entire outlet pipe is cold to the touch. There are no more error messages, though. Still no hot water coming into the pool.
Any advice on whether this bypass valve should be open or closed? Do you think there might be another problem with the heater?