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    Paramount debris canister

    I think I have the answer, thanks anyway.
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    Paramount debris canister

    I have an older swimming pool with a Paramount infloor cleaner. I have no idea what to replace the filter with. There doesn't seem to be a canister there. Just an old filter. Does anyone have any idea what I should replace it with?
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    Pool pump gauge spins

    I opened my pool today, removed all the plugs, added plugs to motor and heater and turned it on to recycle. The gauge pointer spinned around the dial before settling on a number much higher than normal. Any ideas what would cause that? I'm afraid to leave it running. I don't want it to explode.
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    Solar Attic

    Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone has or has even heard of Solar Attic. We had one installed a few years ago, but never got around to fully automating it. It is a heat exchanger that is placed in the attic. When running, the heat in the attic is transferred to the pool.
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    I want to thank everyone for their support of me while I was stressing out over my pool. I now have a pool that is cleaner and clearer than I've seen it in over 10 years. I didn't realize that the pool and hot tub were supposed to be the same color. I couldn't figure out why the color of the...
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    Southern PA/Maryland/Northern VA- When do you close your pool?

    I live in Maryland about 45 minutes from the PA line and we usually close the 2nd week in September.
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    The husband finally let me take over and I don't want to blow it!!

    Dakemi, I hope you save this whole saga somewhere safe to you can look back at it anytime you're feeling unsure or sad and say "I can do anything!"
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    Borjis, You read my mind. I do plan to complete the slam, then in Sept., drain more water than normal when we close the pool. We usually have to pump water out over the winter months, so it should actually help. Hopefully between the rain/snow it should lower the CYA. Donldson, thanks for tip...
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    At 4:00 pm I measured the following: FC - 22 CC - 2.5 I'll add more chlorine after my dh get's home as I can't unscrew the carboy lid.
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    I'm baack! I finally got my TF100 test kit and speed stir. I measured my chemicals at 1:30 and they are as following: FC - 0 CC - 0 pH - 7.7 TA - 130 CH - 300 CYA - 100 I added two carboys of 12.5% chlorine (10 gallons) Considering the high CYA, this is going to be an expensive endeavor. I'll...
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    Boburk, my mistake for typing pounds instead of gallons. Tim 5055, the carboy is 5 gallons at 12.5% chlorine. I'm expecting my TF200 test kit today, so I can finally see if my tests were based on old reagents. I also ran out of CYA reagent so I can test that one again. I'll post my results when...
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    pooldv, no I added 10 lbs. of liquid chlorine (2 carboys). Nothing but liquid chlorine from now on.
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    Thanks everyone. PoolESQ, I'm afraid if I added approx. 17500 gallons of well water, the well might run dry, besides taking forever to fill it. jmorgans, how long did it take you to SLAM your pool? I added 10 lbs. of 12.5% chlorine yesterday and a couple hours later the FC was 0 and CC was 1...
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    Can't the FC be 0 because of high CYA? I thought I read in Pool School that if the CYA is high it take much more chlorine to get a sustained FC level. I'm so confused!
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    Thanks for the response. Since my test kit (TF1005) is pretty old, I ordered the TF100 Test Kit and Speed Stir yesterday. I'll test again once I get my kit. I'm on well water and it takes a long time to fill even a mini drain, but I'll give it a try. While waiting for the TF100, should I add...
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    Dont' Want to Drain my Pool

    OK group, I have a question. The CYA level in my pool is about 90. I know my options are limited (tons of chlorine or partially drain the pool). Since we have about a month at most (probably about half that before water becomes too cool to swim in), and my DH doesn't use it that much other than...
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    To Tile or Not to Tile

    A pool repair person who deals with small jobs came out and suggested since I'll be moving next spring that I just fix the tiles that were buckling and a some that are loose and not worry about the rest. If next spring there are further problems, we'll address those then. And he's willing to do...
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    To Tile or Not to Tile

    Thanks for the comments. In my search for a new house with a pool, sometimes there is a pool with the cover on (in the summer!) What's wrong with it? Surely they're not that lazy that they wouldn't get it cleaned up. So I start to wonder what else could be causing them to hide the pool.
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    To Tile or Not to Tile

    I'm in a quandry. Some of the tiles on my pool (it's about 15 year old) are coming loose or buckling. I'm trying to get esimates to have the tiles fixed. Unfortunately, new tiles for my pool are not longer available. Since we're planning to sell the house next spring, my quandry is whether to...
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    Pool tile replacement

    Thanks, Jim. I never thought of contacting a pool plasterer.
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    Pool tile replacement

    We're experiencing problems with the pool tile coming loose from our gunite pool. I had one PB come out and he estimated it would cost about $7000 to replace the tile on a 20 x 40 pool with in-pool hot tub. That estimate is including $1200 tile allowance. He said while not all the tile are...
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    Heat exchanger in a Raypac heater

    Thanks, wjr75 for the information about the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger as been the home for a mouse nest, then once we got rid of the nest, a black snake moved in, probably looking for more mice. So now I bang on the heater before I open the lid just to let anything living in there know...
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    Heat exchanger in a Raypac heater

    Does anyone know where the heat exchanger is located in a Raypac heater? I got a code saying that the heat rollout safety switch tripped. I looked it up and it says that the heat exhanger is clogged. \ Does anyone have a clue?
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    Water doesn't seem to be circulating in my pool

    I'm so confused! I have a 20 x 40 gunite pool with an in floor cleaner and a hot tub as part of the pool. When I turn the pump on, the the valve set to skimmer, the skimmer doesn't seem to be drawing much water. Most of the water seems to be flowing into the hot tub. When I put my hand up to the...