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  1. chandra.pottipati

    One Month old Salt Pool - Got TFPro Salt test kit - Combined Chloramines

    Thank you Saturn and Jim again. I have increased CYA by 10 PPM(60 now) , Will test in a couple of days and increase more. With CYA I am afraid if I overdo it I will have to drain the pool.
  2. chandra.pottipati

    One Month old Salt Pool - Got TFPro Salt test kit - Combined Chloramines

    Jim and Saturn - Thank you for you reply. My pool is on the south side of my house in full sun. As long as the setup is managing the recommended FC (6-8 for 50 PPM CYA level)and minimal CC levels, do I need to concern myself with increasing the CYA to the recommended 70 PPM? What advantage...
  3. chandra.pottipati

    One Month old Salt Pool - Got TFPro Salt test kit - Combined Chloramines

    This is my first pool. I got my TFPro test kit last week, Today ran a full set of tests. Also had tested at 2 pool stores. One store did the drop tests - my results are pretty much consistent with theirs except CYA which they measured as 60 PPM. The other store's results were all over the place...
  4. chandra.pottipati

    Travertine Pavers - with pits and chipped

    I am just worried, After a rain, If I can poke my fingernail into the area and it is peeling off, in a few months it will just be a hole. When can one be considered a defective stone and ask the pool builder to replace it?
  5. chandra.pottipati

    Travertine Pavers - with pits and chipped

    Our Pool is under construction. The PB installed travertine paver decking a week ago. I see quite a few pavers with Pits and chipped corners etc. I know natural stone varies in texture and color, trying to figure out what is a defect vs a feature of a natural stone deck. ON some of these pavers...
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