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  1. Sarah and Nate

    Pool opening 2024

    Welcome back Monte!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Sarah and Nate

    Puffballs on bottom of pool

    Passed the OCLT with no loss so I’m covered, I suppose
  3. Sarah and Nate

    Puffballs on bottom of pool

    Easy since the pool is clear except for my little buddies down there 🤬
  4. Sarah and Nate

    Puffballs on bottom of pool

    Yeah yeah, I’m a busy guy and don’t have time to update my signature 😂 It’s a Pentair Triton II, the largest one (I think it’s TR-140) Environmental like pollen? Its shape is just so peculiar. I’m no stranger to pollen but not pollen balls!
  5. Sarah and Nate

    Puffballs on bottom of pool

    Hi all, I’ve been dealing with these puffball looking shapes despite having decent water chemistry. I can’t net them out as they dissipate into dust when disturbed. I’m seeing them in this same spot in the pool daily. I brush them away and they’re back within 8 hours. My brain says algae but the...
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  8. Sarah and Nate

    New Pool owner and sick of pool shop advise!

    Send me a PM with your gift certificate code or email it to me ([email protected]) and I’ll apply it to your order retroactively. Nate @ TFT
  9. Sarah and Nate

    My reply to a thread about borates was deleted... Am I off the mark?

    Again, your discussion would be more than welcome in a thread in The Deep End. My deletion of your post had more to do with it not being your thread than anything else. In the Algae subforum, we prefer our guides and experts help users with their pool issues and we leave the more philosophical...
  10. Sarah and Nate

    My reply to a thread about borates was deleted... Am I off the mark?

    Yes, I welcome discussion on this subject on TFP. The thread you posted in was not your own and I simply ask that you either revise your original post or start a new thread. If you would like to have a discussion about the utility of borates as an algae growth inhibitor, by all means start a...
  11. Sarah and Nate

    Pool opened Chlorine way high!

    Do you know how they test your water, I.e if they use a test kit or what kind of test kit they use? 10 FC with 60 CYA is nothing to be worried about. Dive right in!
  12. Sarah and Nate

    My TF Kit was missing the scooper

    All taken care of. Nate @ TFT
  13. Sarah and Nate

    Wrong comparator in my TF-PRO SALT?

    Also, to address your original question about your pool guy: you can just use the FAS-DPD test to make sure your chlorine measurement is accurate versus your pool guy’s. Also helps to make sure you’re reading the block correctly, although the block measures total chlorine (FC + CCs) instead of...
  14. Sarah and Nate

    Wrong comparator in my TF-PRO SALT?

    Hi all, I’m here to put an end to all the speculation. The comparator in question are the Taylor 9781 (black one-piece cap) which is included in the Taylor K-1000 basic test kit. We used to include that whole basic test kit in our TF-100 and occasionally have had to use the 9781 comparator in...
  15. Sarah and Nate

    Typo in "Recommended Pool Chemicals"?

    I just changed this today and generated yet another typo. I’ll change this quickly later tonight and thanks for the heads up. The third option previously was bleach but the consensus is that liquid chlorine is the same thing and generally easy to find and easier to use because of the higher...
  16. Sarah and Nate

    Page suggestion (Pool School/Total Alkalinity)

    I've added this information and will also add it to ABCs. Thank you for your great suggestion! Nate
  17. Sarah and Nate

    Page typo (ABCs..)

    I've fixed this typo. I don't necessarily need everyone to know it, but I'm posting to make sure I don't forget :laughblue:
  18. Sarah and Nate

    1st pool opening

    I don’t want to confuse the subject any further but I think for the sake of clarity it’s important to note that ammonia is an uncommon occurrence. Simply proceed with the SLAM process. There’s no reason to suspect ammonia is at play right now. If the SLAM seems like it’s not working (and you are...
  19. Sarah and Nate

    Did I add too much stabilizer? How could CYA drop more than half in a year?

    Hello, this may be due to insufficient mixing of the reagent PRIOR to adding to the mixing bottle. It’s a little late now but I would be happy to include extra standard on your next order with us. Just let me know. On the other hand the CYA reagent R-0013 is quite stable. We don’t print lot...
  20. Sarah and Nate

    0 CYA and 0 FC. Need advise

    Again, send me an email! You are entitled to a replacement bottle! Whether you want it now or with your next order, bottles without dropper tips are a quality control issue that needs addressing.
  21. Sarah and Nate

    0 CYA and 0 FC. Need advise

    Hi! Thanks for your business. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I will work with you to get you the replacement supplies you need! Nate @ TFT
  22. Sarah and Nate

    Newb OB with BYOP in Buckeye AZ - Short vacation pH and FC question

    No, we use a different supplier. We also sell the 9781 comparator that’s included in the K-1000 and the like.
  23. Sarah and Nate

    Too hard to find TFP test kits

    I'm happy to honor the sale price for you. Just send me an email at [email protected]
  24. Sarah and Nate

    Calcium hardness test adjustment

    My understanding too is that the viscosity of the R-0011L will create a difference in drop sizes. The tips on our bottles are supposed to be all the same size. If you’d like to email a picture of all your bottles (without caps so I can see the tips) to [email protected] I can diagnose more...
  25. Sarah and Nate

    Test Kit Refills on Sale Now!

    Free shipping is available for orders totaling over $100.
  26. Sarah and Nate

    TF-100 Salt - Am I missing the CYA tube?

    Looks like you emailed so I’ll reply there. Yes, appears the CYA view tube is missing. Nate @ TFT
  27. Sarah and Nate

    Test Kit Refills on Sale Now!

    Taylor only provides "Best By" dates rather than expiration dates, so instead of reprinting those on our bottles we prefer to abide by Taylor's recommendation to replace reagents yearly. If you have any issues with a reagent within a year of purchase, we will troubleshoot with you or replace the...
  28. Sarah and Nate

    Literally a coffee thread … 😂

    Getting better…
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