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  2. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Is liquid shock the same thing as liquid chlorine? Is liquid shock safe to use everyday? And how long after putting in daily dose to maintain my FC/CYA level can i be in pool swimming? Sorry all the questions, just dont want to mess this up. Thanks.
  3. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Finished slam, took 13 days and 31 gallons of shock. Thanks for all the encouragement and help. Got my cya up to 45-50, and PH is at 7.5. Alk is at 85. Now i figure according to the forum and pool math, i need to just give my pool 28oz of shock per day to maintain. Will keep a eye on everything...
  4. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Added stabilizer, brought FC back to 12ppm then tested after 30 minutes, still 12ppm. Continuing Slam.
  5. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Still doing the slam, test results in pic. My CYA is still not registering on my test kit (below 30), warmed sample prior to testing. Should i adjust CYA during slam? I did add dry stabilizer at start of slam in sock to raise CYA to 20 ppm (4 lbs). Appreciate all the help and patience.
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  7. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    OK, so I'm gonna hang the sock in front of the returns in the pool and test again in a couple hours and hold my free chlorine at 12 for the slam process
  8. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Should I let it go for like two hours so it falls below 10 ppm and then add enough to bring it back to 10 ppm and test in 30 minutes?
  9. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Ok, now i see what your saying, at 2;40 should have added 2 ppm and retest in 30 minutes. Now that i screwed that up and was just at 10.5 and added another 10 ppm, what should i do?
  10. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Will leave it go right now for an hour and test at that point
  11. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    OK, so I just tested now at 3:10 and my free chlorine is at 10.5. I'm not sure what's next. I added two more gallons of chlorine and I have the sock ready to go. Where do I proceed? Should I hang the sock in front of the returns put in the skimmer or where.
  12. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Guess i was following post 14 also. So should I bring the chlorine up to 12 and add that sock to bring the CYA up to 22 ppm and then how often should I test it to make sure it's maintaining
  13. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Following process "poolstored" outlined. What other process would/should i be doing?
  14. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Prepping my sock for the CYA adjustment
  15. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    So I started the process of adding chlorine at 1:35. I put in 2 gallons which would bring me to 10 ppm at 2:05. I tested it and I was at 4 ppm. I added two more gallons and tested again at 2:40 and chlorine is now at 8 ppm, at 3:10 I'm gonna add another 2 gallons, and then let it go for an hour...
  16. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    I was told if you have a chlorine demand or ammonia problem and you hypethetically need 20 gallons of shock to overcome, but add only 15 you will be starting back at zero again, is this true?
  17. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Another question about this slam process, and if I do have a ammonia problem, making my chlorine disappear in a hour, what do you do through the night when it will sit for 6-8 hours with pump running but no chlorine added.
  18. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    With my calculations to get 10PPM of FC into the water I need to put in 2 Gals of Liquid Chlorine having 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite, correct? I need to get the CYA up first though.
  19. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Bottles were all overpriced Bioguard, could get a pic off poolgeek website if needed, wife threw them out.
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    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Testing PH by filling comparator to 44ml mark, then adding 5 drops R-004, cap and invert to mix, holding up to daylight and reading scale. Could not do test again last night due to severe storms. Ive had this kit for 3 years so im familiar with it. I buy new regents every year, put pool in 2008...
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  22. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    Just got home and tested everything. Rain pretty much all day here in SE Wisconsin. Water temp 63, cloudy blue, can see drain in deep end (6.5'). FC 0.2 CC 0.2 hard to even get any reading on both of these chlorine tests TA 80 CH 145 PH <7 test kit only goes down to 7 CYA <30 test kit only goes...
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    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    I will get all the results tonight and post. Thanks
  24. T

    Help! Just opened and not sure what to Balance first

    So I kicked the Pool Store to the curb and took everything over mid last year. Just opened pool 2 days ago, water was Green as it is every year, could not see the bottom. Water Temp 56. I put in 2 bottles of Algae 60, 1 bottle Pool Magnet, 1 bottle Scale Inhibitor. Seems like I always have to...