Was the pool filled after it was plastered?
Do you know which startup guide was used?
Normally, if it changes, it changes in the first few weeks.
Hey all, new pool owner here. I just had my pool plastered and filled about 3 days ago. I ended up going with NPT StoneScapes Aqua Cool Mini Pebble and the water color turned out much different than NPT's web site and other videos I've seen. I attached two photos, one of the plaster without...
This one also had a bit more brown...but never came back with an update.
Hello , so we just had our pool plastered 2 days ago, we went with Aqua cool mini with blue glass beads . The water filled , and it's had a few chemicals added. The problem is , the color we are seeing of the water , is not even close to what we saw online and YouTube for Aqua cool! anyone ...
This may help too: