We Have a Winner! TFP Pool of the Month (February 2025); "The Nerve Center" - Equipment Pads

Texas Splash

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TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jun 22, 2014
Texas, San Antonio/Marion, South-Central Area
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
So easy! Post ONE pic related to the theme title above. I bet you have a good pic saved somewhere. See the contest rules below to enter.



Photo contests are announced on the first of each month. There is a 5-day submission phase. Days 6 & 7 are for voting. Winner announced on day 8. Winner eligible for a $50 prize.


It's easy! What have you got to lose? You might receive a $50 discount code from TFtestkits.net.

Click Here to See Some Previous TFP Monthly Contest Winners

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Nothing special about my pad. Rather, I'm most proud of my "pad cam" that took this pic. It's PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) and between that, my modified filter gauge and a few strategically placed mirrors, I can zoom in and look around every component on my pad, any time from anywhere in the world.

2025-02-04 10-06-31 Filter.jpg
Nothing special about my pad. Rather, I'm most proud of my "pad cam" that took this pic. It's PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) and between that, my modified filter gauge and a few strategically placed mirrors, I can zoom in and look around every component on my pad, any time from anywhere in the world.

View attachment 626983
Very clean! Much more so than my M.C. Escher plumbing job (one post up).
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Folks, let's congratulate @TopJimmy (Post #4) for being voted as this month's TFP (The Nerve Center - Equipment Pad) Pool of the Month. @TopJimmy, you have to tell us more about your set-up.

Check back and we'll do this again next month.

@TopJimmy, be on the lookout for your $50 discount code from tfteskits.net.
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Thank you, thank you! You can see more details at my thread here: waterfall re-plumbing
Long story short, I got ripped off and had to re-do the plumbing myself. While in the process of doing it, I came to find out that Pentair couldn't deal with controlling 2 chlorinators independently, so I turned to njs-PC and those guys (shout out specifically to @tagyoureit--thx again!) were kind enough to tweak their software to deal with that. Simultaneously (almost) Atlas/Sensorex came out with gold ORP sensors which enabled the ORP to work with saltwater, as Platinum sensors were useless.
I ran 3" pipes and 2.5" Pentair valves where I could to increase flow and otherwise just make the system better and (truly) automated. I put the Raspi and the Intellicenter on a UPS which, along with the flow cell & sensors, resides in my basement. I got 2 transformers and replaced the 1 transformer that was in the electrical box so that I could control the spa and pool lighting separately (additional relays also put in the Intellicenter).

Relays (inside Intellicenter):
Pool: pump, intellichlor, lights
Spa: pump, intellichlor, light, blower

Equipment list:
Intellicenter with dual body card and valve expansion card
Raspi 4b with Sequent 4rel/4in relay card and WhiteboxLabs T3 w/pH, ORP, RTD, PRS chips; NvMe SSD
Atlas lab grade ORP & pH sensors; Atlas pressure & temp sensors in homemade flow cells
Stenner EconFX acid pumps (DC)
15 gal acid tank

Pentair clean & clear 320 cartridge filter
Intellifo VSF, MasterTemp 175, Intellichlor IC40
Intellivalves: waterfall bypass, heater bypass, Vac, bubbler/jets, main drain/skimmer

Pentair RP cartridge filter
Intelliflo VSF, MasterTemp 125, Intellichlor IC20
Jandy 2 hp blower
Intellivalve: heater bypass

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Well deserved! Not only for functionality and equipment list, but i cant recall ever seeing a nicer looking pad!!

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