I'm still in the first few months of owning and maintaining a pool. I just got the TFPRO kit and after about an hour of reading everything 3 times to double check, I am pretty confident in my results. The levels seem pretty healthy, the water clear; but I'm starting to see these deposits just over the spillway from the spa to the pool. I run the in floor cleaning each night for a few hours to try and remove major particulates and keep it clear. I know Phoenix has very hard water and I see stuff like this on fixtures and the water heater from time to time. Is this just normal for a pebble pool in Phoenix? Calcium Hardness seems fine and there isn't any build up along the water line.
TA 100
Ph 7.7
FC 7
Calcium hardness 200
Cya 50
CC 0.5
TA 100
Ph 7.7
FC 7
Calcium hardness 200
Cya 50
CC 0.5