New to TFP Looking For Advice


Sep 11, 2024
Hello, I have been maintaining my pool for a year now using free tests from my local pool store and their advice but recently I had algae issues. As I researched more, I found out about TFP. Now I would like to test and learn how to maintain the pool on my own. I purchased the TF-Pro Salt and it arrived today! I tested the pool and it was a lot of fun, reminds me of chemistry class. I have a SWG I Chlor 30 and my pool is gunite 7600 gallons. My readings today are 10.5 FC, 7.6 PH, 100 TA, 375 CH, 55 CYA, 3200 Salt. Are these readings good? I had some black algae but I treated it with some Leslie’s Power Powder PLUS a couple of days ago and the black algae disappeared which is great. Me and my wife did a deep scrubbing of the upper tile grout today to get rid of the green algae, it all came off and I was wondering if I should add anymore liquid chlorine to make sure the algae that floated away is dead. If so, how much should I add? Thank you!

Welcome to TFP... :shark:

Your numbers look pretty good, but the problem is that Leslie's anything does not kill all the algae.. It just makes most of it go away and then it comes back later... Kind of how they make their money... :mrgreen:

If you can see algae you need to do a SLAM...

Doing a SLAM makes sure it all gets killed..

If you want, you can do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test or OCLT... First... Overnight Chlorine Loss Test

You did the hard part by getting a great test kit, now you just need to finish the job, by getting rid of any remaining algae, whether you can see it or not.


Jim R.
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Readings are ok. Always round your CYA up to the next 10. Your CYA is 60.

To clear the pool of algae, follow the SLAM process and Jim suggested. Link-->SLAM Process

When you are done with SLAM, use this to determine the correct FC for your CYA. Link-->FC/CYA Levels

Welcome to TFP!!!
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My readings today are 10.5 FC, 7.6 PH, 100 TA, 375 CH, 55 CYA, 3200 Salt.
You’re in good hands with the advice you’ve gotten so far. Just wanted to add a testing tip. With an FC over 10 your pH may not be reliable. You’re close to 10 so perhaps your 7.6 is accurate, but generally an FC over 10 renders your pH useless.

Don’t worry about the pH for now though, it’s time for your SLAM. Just finished my first one ever. Now I’m back to crystal clear water with no algae. If you buy your chlorine at Leslie’s they’re not likely to have any idea what a SLAM is so you probably don’t need to bother asking their thoughts if they ask what you’re doing. SLAM away!
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You’re in good hands with the advice you’ve gotten so far. Just wanted to add a testing tip. With an FC over 10 your pH may not be reliable. You’re close to 10 so perhaps your 7.6 is accurate, but generally an FC over 10 renders your pH useless.

Don’t worry about the pH for now though, it’s time for your SLAM. Just finished my first one ever. Now I’m back to crystal clear water with no algae. If you buy your chlorine at Leslie’s they’re not likely to have any idea what a SLAM is so you probably don’t need to bother asking their thoughts if they ask what you’re doing. SLAM away!
Thank you!

Welcome to TFP... :shark:

Your numbers look pretty good, but the problem is that Leslie's anything does not kill all the algae.. It just makes most of it go away and then it comes back later... Kind of how they make their money... :mrgreen:

If you can see algae you need to do a SLAM...

Doing a SLAM makes sure it all gets killed..

If you want, you can do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test or OCLT... First... Overnight Chlorine Loss Test

You did the hard part by getting a great test kit, now you just need to finish the job, by getting rid of any remaining algae, whether you can see it or not.


Jim R.
I did an OCLT last night and it seems like my FC only went down .5. Does this mean I don't need to do a SLAM and I could adjust my FC to what is required with my CYA level?
My CC is .5 or lower, hard to tell since when I add the 5 drops of R-0003, it is a very very faint pink (barely noticeable) and with one drop of R-0871 it becomes crystal clear.

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