Failed OCLT?

Thanks I got it started using it. Everything is going well. 2 in of rain last night. PH held at 7.8 alkalinity drop down to 80. Which is good. Cya has dropped down to 45. Clearing drop down to seven. Added half gallon chlorine to keep it up. I am so tfp clear it is amazing. Again thanks for all your help. How is your pool doing?. All good I hope
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Is it normal to have to keep FC up to where it needs to be like every other day during these hot sunny days? Supposed to be between 6 and 8:00 I'll take it up to 10 just so I don't have to mess with it for a day. Is that good?
Is it normal to have to keep FC up to where it needs to be like every other day during these hot sunny days?
3 or 4 ppm loss is expected, daily, in the peak season. You math and dose that however it works best for you. So long as you are free and clear above min at the next test time, you did good. Adjust as necessary. :)
Hello jess. Hello new dude. Is it necessary to shock the pool once a week. Or just keep my FC where it needs to be? I'm not sure what shocking to pool means. I just keep the FC up between 6 and 10. cya is at 45. Alkalinity is now at 80. Calcium hardness is 200. Combined chlorine is zero. PH 7.8. I am running the robot with brushes everyday and it does the walls as well. Do I need to do anything else?
I'm not sure what shocking to pool means
Good. Let's keep it that way by never falling below min after the days FC loss. 😁

The weekly pool store shock method is an over correction in an attempt to make up for the care that wasn't given during the week. A.K.A. dump and pray. Without any testing or control about it, sometimes prayers are answered, sometimes not.
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Hello. Is there any puckks I can put either in the skimmer or in a floater that will keep the chlorine up that won't raise cya? I am going through a gallon of chlorine a day. Is this normal? All my numbers are cool where they need to be and pool is tfp clear. Thanks.
They make cal-hypo 'unstabilized' pucks that will jack your CH instead. You probably have lots of wiggle room there but they are expensive.

3.8 ppm / 1gal 10% is about right for 26k gallons. Daily demand will start falling soon with the days getting shorter. Then sometime mid September it will drop off a cliff for us.
I only use 1/2 gallon of liquid chlorine each day and we see tons of sun and 110 degree days.
It's been hot in the northeast with high UV, and OPs pool is 2.36X bigger than yours.

You're adding 4.5 ppm a day because desert, but Chaz's 3.8 ppm is about right. (y)
Thanks for your input tin foil hat. But as new dude said we have had extremely high UV and Temps reaching above 100 and with 26,000 gallon burning up three to four PPM per day sounds as if that is normal. Thanks you guys
Hello I'm getting ready to close for the winter and a couple of weeks temperature is dropping good I'm trying to wait till the pool temperature gets down to about 60. Should I just use my slam level according to my cya. I am afraid of some algae should I add the polyquot 60. Please help. Thank you so much
I'm trying to wait till the pool temperature gets down to about 60.
Great. Go as long as you can because it often warms up for a couple weeks, right after you close. :ROFLMAO:

As the temps drop, so does the UV demand and the daily dose lasts longer. It'll be much less of a chore then.
Should I just use my slam level according to my cya. I am afraid of some algae should I add the polyquot 60.
We are split right down the middle here with many on both sides. Your choices are to :

1) close at half slam and add PQ
2) close at full slam and skip PQ

IMO t may help some people that close early but isn't needed for those of us who wait long enough.

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