
Jul 21, 2024
Lebanon, TN
Hi everyone, and i do apologize in advance if this got asked before but this is my first time posting in this forum...I'm currently shopping for either an in-ground pool or a stealth semi-inground like that one Pool & Spa depot are promoting for, my confusion is that i do see on some websites that pool prices ranging between $10-$15 k for even Olympic pools but when calling some of the pool builders the prices jump to the roof...If someone with some experience can share some of the tips and tricks of the differences? where can i buy the pool and have it installed (nashville if possible)? how to start the whole process? I did obtain an updated plot from the city and i do have a complete layout of the backyard, my target budget is between $40-$50k and i don't want to buy off the first store we shop at because apparently there's a lot of money wasted in between the process...thanks
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Perhaps part of the confusion you are experiencing is the difference between the cost of the product (pool) itself versus the total cost to have it installed (labor, materials, utility work, etc). A pool installer is going to add all of those things into the overall quote. Since the cost of most consumer goods and services has increased significantly over the past few years, pools and related services have also seen an increase.

My advice for you would be to call as many pool installers as you can from the local area and request a quote in writing. The quote or specs sheet should break-down everything required such as the pool itself (might include labor), equipment, base materials, decking, and utility work required. Then compare your quotes. Hopefully you can get at least 2-3 of them. Then you can come back here to TFP with those quotes and we can look the over for you if you would like.

If you scan/post those quotes, I would recommend blacking-out the company name though just for privacy reasons.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Perhaps part of the confusion you are experiencing is the difference between the cost of the product (pool) itself versus the total cost to have it installed (labor, materials, utility work, etc). A pool installer is going to add all of those things into the overall quote. Since the cost of most consumer goods and services has increased significantly over the past few years, pools and related services have also seen an increase.

My advice for you would be to call as many pool installers as you can from the local area and request a quote in writing. The quote or specs sheet should break-down everything required such as the pool itself (might include labor), equipment, base materials, decking, and utility work required. Then compare your quotes. Hopefully you can get at least 2-3 of them. Then you can come back here to TFP with those quotes and we can look the over for you if you would like.

If you scan/post those quotes, I would recommend blacking-out the company name though just for privacy reasons.
Thanks a lot, the cheapest quote that i got from a local contractor that previously installed one in my neighborhood was:

1- Pool price : Rect 16x32 $46,900 includes basic equipment, electrical, plumbing, cleaning, backfill, one led light, 8' concrete on step end/4' around pool, main drains, alarm, thermomter, vacuum, filter, pump, skimmer, steps with handrail
2- additional optional costs: $3000 estimated for backfill/dirt haul, $350 for 1xwater jet, brick copping $750 (those are the options i chose)

sales and taxes included total is: $51,350 (4' to 8' deep digging included as well)

Does this sound like a good deal? what are the loop holes in contract that i need to look at? those prices are for Lebanon, TN area. What are good loan companies for pool with low interest rates?

I suspect costs vary a great deal from location to location. I'm going to try and tag @AndyTN to see if he can help with costs in your area. Might be a long shot, but something to try and keep your thread visible to locals.
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That sounds like a great deal! Don't "front load" the payment schedule and do check references, as pool builders are a shifty lot!
Thanks a lot, yes I did check the company, the guy previously built a couple pools in the same neighborhoods two years ago, he is insured and bonded. I don't mind actually sharing his info (not sure about the forum policy). I'm actually looking at Playgo pools/poolwarehouse pools. seems a lot of people are taking the route of purchasing their own pool and getting a general contractor to install it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea?