Need help with chemicals.


New member
Jul 16, 2024
I decided to take over maintaining my pool. I have been paying a pool service for the last 4 years. I started to add up the cost of chemicals they have been putting in my pool, and I don’t know if it’s worth it. I have noticed the last 4 weeks the guy throws in a gallon of liquid chlorine and 1 chlorine puck in the floater.

We have an in ground pool, plaster, and in central California. Pool water is 90 degrees currently.

I purchased a kit and tested the water today.
My FC was 8.8
PH 7.4
TA 80
Calcium hardness 230

I was wondering the the PH and TA was a little low because of all the FC? Once the FC evaporates, will the PH and TA rise a bit?
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What test kit are you using? What is your CYA level? The pH and TA you show are fine, no change needed.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
I bought the Taylor k2006-c. I did not check the CYA because I miss placed the bottle that the directions said I needed. I’m going to check that today. I also was reading about the Taylor kit and checking the TA. I may have not done that correctly. I stopped counting drops once it changed to what I thought to red and not when it stopped turning more red.
My CYA is 35. On the app that I downloaded from here was saying the TA should be 250. It’s only down 20 and I keep watching videos and reading. I’m going to keep testing my pool and have the pool maintenance keep taking care of the pool for a few weeks just to make sure I got it under control.

Thanks for the responses
On the app that I downloaded from here was saying the TA should be 250.
Please show us where it says that.

Realize the Poolmath app is a calculator and data depository. YOU must provide the target levels that make sense for your pool, climate, fill water, etc.
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