Return jet aerator and pH


Bronze Supporter
May 18, 2018
Edmonton, Alberta
I've had this question simmering for years now and figure it's finally time to ask. Our old little pool (12' round AGP, 31" deep) and now this pool both always had pH trending on the upper ends of the scale (7.8-8) without any intervention. Playing around with the Pool Math App in the TA screen it said "Lower pH to 7.0-7.2 and aerate to bring pH up." (Our TA is only at 100.)

My question is - do these return jet aerators aerate enough to keep my pH trending on the high end or is it something else? I had read somewhere that a waterfall is a good way to aerate which is certainly more aeration than the return jet would introduce but the jet IS still aerating......
Yeah. They definitely can make a difference when set up correctly if you have a decent sized pump.
With the aerator, my small Intex AGP (2000 gallons) could easily climb from a PH of 7.2 all the way to 7.6 in a single day (with the 1400gph pump running).

Without the aerator, I can run the pump for that long and I see little to no changes in PH level.
I've had this question simmering for years now and figure it's finally time to ask. Our old little pool (12' round AGP, 31" deep) and now this pool both always had pH trending on the upper ends of the scale (7.8-8) without any intervention. Playing around with the Pool Math App in the TA screen it said "Lower pH to 7.0-7.2 and aerate to bring pH up." (Our TA is only at 100.)
If your ph is stable at 7.8, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. But, if it continues to creep up, you could lower it to 7.2, as stated, a few times to drop your TA a bit. I find my ph is most stable with TA around 70, but every pool is different.
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