Does anything eat up CYA?


Gold Supporter
Apr 18, 2024
I opened my new pool on 6/10 and gradually added enough CYA to get to 60 ppm via pool math. I tested and it looked pretty good to me to being at sixty. I tested today and I could swear it’s closer to 40 than it is 50. Admittedly, I have a hard time with this test more than the others. Do I trust my test and add more CYA or trust the app and my first test that I’m probably closer to 60?
gradually added enough CYA to get to 60 ppm via pool math.
From 0 ? If so, then you added what you added if the volume is even remotely close.

Are you staring or taking a super fast glance ? You're testing in full sun ?
From 0 ? If so, then you added what you added if the volume is even remotely close.

Are you staring or taking a super fast glance ? You're testing in full sun ?
I was at zero. There is a discrepancy on the volume from the manufacturer, in most location they say it’s about 14,600 gallons but in one place they say it’s 18k. When I used the formula for sizing my pump and filter, I got about 15k. So I’ve been using that.

I test every day in the same spot at 1100 am in full sun with the sun behind me. I even have a pair of flip flops on the pool deck that are never to be moved so I can slide in and test at the same spot every time.
I got about 15k. So I’ve been using that.
If it's 15k it's 60 CYA and at 18k it's 50. We round up 51+ so it's pretty much fair to call it 60 either way.

In Maryland a 60 might be fine. You can add 10 or 20 more CYA, or road test what you have and see if your FC loss is reasomable. (Probably around 3 per day this time of year for you).
I test every day in the same spot at 1100 am in full sun with the sun behind me.
CYA is monthly. Once it registers it's not going anywhere. The TA, CH and salt also. Once you prove them stable, test them every two weeks. Once they're still stable, switch to monthly.
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Okay this makes me feel better. I am at about 3ppm loss of chlorine between my morning test and close down test. I probably am testing too much and testing everything more than I should. I just figured I’d rather over test than under test until I figure it all out.
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I just figured I’d rather over test than under test until I figure it all out

That's how you establish patterns, such as the CYA/TA/CH/salt not moving any. *You* need to be comfortable that they're all stable, not me. And there's only one way for you to be comfortable with it. (y)
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