Aquacal heat pump cooler questions


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May 9, 2015
Peoria, AZ
Anybody have one of these? I put it into cool mode for 4 hours today, did not change the temp ant all. Am I doing something wrong? The pump is running, compressor and fan running, odd that no change in 4 hours, but I have never had one before
Anybody have one of these?
I have one and I'm using it now. Pool water holds a lot of heat, and it takes time to remove it. AZ heat and sun is adding heat every day to your water. Do you feel hot air discharged from the HP? Do you feel cool water coming from the returns?
Yes hot air is blowing from the top of the unit, can’t really tell at the returns. Having never used on of these I was not sure how long it needs to run. I am guessing you either run it all the time of don’t bother as if it takes a long time to cool the water then once it’s off the water temp will spike back up and I am back to the start again.
I think a HP cooler is best run at night to get the water down to a cool starting temperature for the day.

During the day the HP cooling is fighting with the sun heating and you are seeing a net zero change in water temperature. Or close to no change.

HPs do not heat quickly and they do not cool quickly.
Having never used on of these I was not sure how long it needs to run.
It works slowly. I run mine for several hours every day. However, you only need to lower the water temperature a few degrees to make the water refreshing for swimming.
Anybody have one of these? I put it into cool mode for 4 hours today, did not change the temp ant all. Am I doing something wrong? The pump is running, compressor and fan running, odd that no change in 4 hours, but I have never had one before
I have a Pentair Heat Pump/Chiller. While it would be nice to run it this week as it gets into the 110's here, it takes a lot of running for it to be effective. And our electric costs have gone through the roof here in California, so it's just not going to happen. Cooling a pool is an uphill battle. I would not expect 4 hours to effect much at all - though it is nice to swim under our waterfalls when it's running. More like days to really feel a difference, and then you need to run a lot to maintain.
Well I have run the pump in chilling mode for 24 hours. It dropped from 92-93 to 88 overnight but as soon as the sun comes out it’s back to 92 as of noon.

The ambient temp is running 108-113 in the day and 83-86 overnight.

The unit is working fine but if this is all it’s gonna do I would call this purchase an absolute BUST! I tried turning the pump up to a higher RPM as the Mfg said the low speed was not moving enough water.

But if I have to run it 24x7 and it’s only dropping the temp 2-4 degrees overnight then this was a bad purchase. I’m afraid to look at what the energy costs are. I guess if you live somewhere where it does not get 105-115 it may work but I am not sure this thing can overcome the heat gain during the day in AZ.

Welcome to hear from other with one of these units.
I tried turning the pump up to a higher RPM as the Mfg said the low speed was not moving enough water.
Increased pump RPM doesn't cool the water any faster. Run your pump at the slowest speed that satisfies the pressure/flow switch plus a small operating margin.

The unit is working fine but if this is all it’s gonna do I would call this purchase an absolute BUST!
It's July in Arizona. I don't think your expectations are realistic. You can also look at shade, aeration, a Glacier, etc. to cool your water.

Oh I agree, but they were set by the pool builder who told me we could drop water temp by 5-8F in the middle of the summer here in AZ. This thing is either broken or is unable to overcome the heat delta.

Would never have purchased a heatpump chiller if I knew it would do nothing when we specifically were told it would drop 5-8 degrees in 115 degree AZ summers.

So in my case a waste of $8k.

Spoke with the Mfg who told me to increase the RPM, PB is telling me their larger pool here in PHX is 83-85 running their heatpump chiller 6am to 3 pm🤔

Perhaps a bad unit? I mean it’s doing nothing. 24 hour comparison

Pool without the chiller on : high 94 low 86

Pool with chiller running for 24 hours: high 94 low 86.

That’s telling me it’s broken or not rated to work with ambient temps above 105F

It’s gonna be hotter now:

Just wish I was not lied to🙄


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Just like an AC unit have the refrigerant pressures checked in your HP. Low refrigerant can cause the problems you descibe.
Not sure what pb stands for, but does your pool get more direct sun? What is the KW draw when the unit is running? Thinking of getting a heat pump, but would for sure like it to work. I would do an evap chiller, but I feel the dissolved solids would skyrocket, and I am on a well and would have to truck in water for the more frequent water changes. Located in Mesa AZ.
Well AquaCAL tech showed said it’s either the compressor is shot or the TSV, but there as a low charge but he could not determine if the compressor is shot for sure as it was too hot and was in thermal shut down, but he said one of or both are the issue as it’s not cooling. He said this unit is capable of keeping a 40k gallon pool at 80 or less here in the AZ summer with temps at 110-115, so my expectations were not off base.

He has to order a new compressor and TSV. Love it, brand new unit DOA.
Well AquaCAL tech showed said it’s either the compressor is shot or the TSV
At least you know why you're not getting the expected cooling performance. :)

On the bright side, AquaCal has been an outstanding company when it comes to fixing issues. They ended up replacing my entire unit when they couldn't fix it.
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Back with an update, so they replaced the TXV today started it up said all was good. Well there was noticeably cooler water coming out of the returns, success? LOL, No way it’s that easy.

So a few hours later, like 6-7 I notice the water temp has gone from 90 to 93🤔. I put my hand in front of the return and now the water warm like the same as the pool🤷‍♂️. I call the tech they said let it run 24 hours, I think that’s a crock, if cold water was coming out of the returns just after TXV replacement why would warm water be now coming out, just makes no sense at all.

So I am will to bet all I am doing is wasting electricity again. I’ll let it run all night but I guess we are back to the let’s just replace a lot of parts and see if it fixes it game.

Just a PSA to anybody else out there as I can’t find anything on-line about issues with these units. So I got a lemon or there just aren’t many people with these running into problems.
On the bright side, AquaCal has been an outstanding company when it comes to fixing issues. They ended up replacing my entire unit when they couldn't fix it.

So I am will to bet all I am doing is wasting electricity again. I’ll let it run all night but I guess we are back to the let’s just replace a lot of parts and see if it fixes it game.
Demand a replacement.
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I call the tech they said let it run 24 hours, I think that’s a crock, if cold water was coming out of the returns just after TXV replacement why would warm water be now coming out, just makes no sense at all.


Getting good service techs is the big problem with having a HP.
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