Can't find a 2" to 1.5" union for new pool pump


Active member
Jun 20, 2014
Wayne, NJ
Hello I am replacing my old pool pump which has 1.5" fittings to a new variable speed which only has 2" connections and only comes with a union for 2" plumbing. Can anyone direct me where to purchase a union which is actually a reducer? The pump doesn't come with an adapter for my 1.5" plumbing and I just went to multiple home depots and lowes and no one seems to have this union. I'll post a photo of the pump and what it comes with. I'm sure numerous people have this issue but I can't seem to find anything. Thank you!

Hello I am replacing my old pool pump which has 1.5" fittings to a new variable speed which only has 2" connections and only comes with a union for 2" plumbing. Can anyone direct me where to purchase a union which is actually a reducer? The pump doesn't come with an adapter for my 1.5" plumbing and I just went to multiple home depots and lowes and no one seems to have this union. I'll post a photo of the pump and what it comes with. I'm sure numerous people have this issue but I can't seem to find anything. Thank you!
1.5" - 2" S x S reducer bushing glued into the union will allow for 1.5" pipe to be used as well.
Thanks for the replies but the reason I was looking for a union with a built in reducer is because I have literally no space to add another coupling on the vertical pipe. Seems some pump manufacturers make the 2” union with a built in reducer but I can’t find where to buy one
Thanks for the replies but the reason I was looking for a union with a built in reducer is because I have literally no space to add another coupling on the vertical pipe. Seems some pump manufacturers make the 2” union with a built in reducer but I can’t find where to buy one
Installing a new, different model/make pump almost always requires a replumb. Sometimes a major replumb. The reducer bushing might add 1/2" to the height of the socket of the union.
Installing a new, different model/make pump almost always requires a replumb. Sometimes a major replumb. The reducer bushing might add 1/2" to the height of the socket of the union.

Thank you, I was trying to avoid the replumb at the top of the pump but I think I will have to do it - this fitting is most likely available at the plumbing supply near my house and appears to be the best option. Thanks!
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