OmniLogic Upgrade Kit from Prologic


LifeTime Supporter
Jan 24, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
I had a prologic SWG since I've had my pool. we've had so many problems with salt cells and then the motherboard in my prologic. Hayward warrantied the motherboard last year cuz the relay (if I'm remembering what the black box on the board is called correctly) went bad. That board didn't last a year and I had the pool tech pop the old board that I got soldered and fixed from a guy recommended on here in OK. Well, that one isn't working either. The pool tech said the OmniLogic Upgrade Kit has only been around for a couple of years which worries me but he said it's been beta tested and I'll get 4 yr warranty so if it breaks before the end of the 4 yrs that's 8 yrs and that he has one in his house and loves it. he said Hayward is trying to get the prologics out of the houses cuz they never worked well in the heat.

I told him I was interested in a different system that started with an "S" that I learned of here but he said although he's bias cuz he's a hayward dealer (or rep?) Hayward has some of the best dealers and reps r helpful and good. He's right that if I call Hayward someone will walk me through a problem which is amazing, so I'm thinking of listening to him like I did the cell and swapping out the old system for this new one. He said it's only a couple hundred $ more to get this new rather than fix the old. thx
I wrote back to the tech/dealer and they said "This is for the Prologic to OmniPL upgrade kit." from what I had been looking at the Omnilogic had more room for options but on the Hayward site it seems the Pl might have more options cuz it said "series automation" for the PL and "none" for the omnilogic. also said 3 yrs warranty parts and 1 yr warranty labor but the tech said 4 years. arg. not loving how it's going. hayward said they couldn't give me any info cuz they r the middleman and I have to go through the dealer. i'll have to check back with the dealer.
I wrote back to the tech/dealer and they said "This is for the Prologic to OmniPL upgrade kit." from what I had been looking at the Omnilogic had more room for options but on the Hayward site it seems the Pl might have more options cuz it said "series automation" for the PL and "none" for the omnilogic. also said 3 yrs warranty parts and 1 yr warranty labor but the tech said 4 years. arg. not loving how it's going. hayward said they couldn't give me any info cuz they r the middleman and I have to go through the dealer. i'll have to check back with the dealer.

I don't follow what you are saying.

Here is a comparison between OmniLogic and OmniPL...

Thx. I'm not surprised you don't understand what I'm saying because I'm picking bits and pieces with the little understand I have from various places and I know I'm not being clear. I need a new motherboard and was just going to trust the tech and go with his recommendation cuz what he said sounded good if accurate (but I already got confirmation he was wrong about the 4 yr warranty so that's one thing there and I don't understand why the tech/dealer company calls it the "omnilogic" on the quote when now the Tech/dealer company said "There is no ProLogic to OmniLogic upgrade, it is now the OmniPL upgrade."

Do you know what this list means about the relay since the tech told me the main feature I should be happy with this board is that it doesn't have a relay. He said that's the part that keep burning out on my prologic and the omnilogic is much better.

I'd like to make a decision by today but not sure there are really any good choices if I want to stick with Hayward.

Do you know what this list means about the relay since the tech told me the main feature I should be happy with this board is that it doesn't have a relay. He said that's the part that keep burning out on my prologic and the omnilogic is much better.

All the Hayward systems have a bunch of relays so I don't know which one has been causing you problems without seeing it.

Get the OmniPL. It is the best way for you to get your pool running.

Next time you have problems check in here first and get pics of your tech pointing to the problem components.
From what I remember, he said that the relay was a little loose feeling but it doesn't feel loose to me compared to anything else on the board. I was in my hurry because they sent him at the wrong time when I was busy. But ultimately he said to get that board fixed wasn't gonna be that much less than getting the omni logic that would come with a warranty And then I can have notificationshouldn't go to my phone and control it from my phone.

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I already went through a lot of wasted time and money sending the last board to a local guy to sauter, then to a repair guy that was recommended here and the board doesn't work. Then we installed it and my husband broke something on it. We were lucky the repair guy and hayward warrantied it. disappointing only got another year out of a new board, though. I just want to start doing some of this the easy way cuz it doesn't tend to turn out when we DIY most things with the pool. All we can mainly do is maintenance and if you ask proavia we don't do such a great job at that. I'm happy doing maintenance and paying for the rest at this point. If you have some ideas as to why our boards are going out fast that will be helpful. he said our water isn't high so that's not the prob and it's a conundrum.
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