CYA and CH are high, time to drain?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 18, 2019
San Antonio
FC 3.5
PH 7.4
TA 100
CH 825
CYA 60.

Been hoping my CH and CYA would come down miraculously but no dice. Think I'm just going to have to drain most of the pool and start fresh unless yall have any ideas. (and yes, by FC is low and liquid chlorine went in after testing).

Do you routinely "shock" your pool on a weekly or semi-weekly basis??

Probably just left over from the previous owner..

Water is pretty cheap up here is the DFW area, so draining to reduce your CH and CYA would work.. I assume that water is about the same price. It cost me about $75 bucks for a 14K rent house pool..


Jim R.
Try to keep my FC at 5-6
So on a typical hotter than blazes TX day, what does that mean ?

Do you start at 5-6 and lose 5, or start at 11 and end at 6 ?

Either way, you're not 'keeping' it anything with daily UV loss / FC swing. (Edit) this sounds rude. It's not meant to be. Have some smileys to balance it out.

Where have the high and low points of the day been recently ?

60 CYA is fine for a TX pool, but FC needs to be as per chart above, miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimum 5. It's early in the season now so a bit lower CYA is also fine. I just converted to SWG, but when using liquid chlorine, I ran my CYA at 70 last summer because i get zero shade and I was still losing 4ish FC per day. (OCLT perfect)

To me the bigger issue is: where is all this CH coming from? And, it needs to be lowered (via draining unfortunately) or your CSI will be quite high.
miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimum 5.
Yeah. Minimum sounds way too 'ok' for my liking. It should be called Swampville so folks aren't all 'I dance on the outskirts of Swampville everyday'.

They might still dance there due to being busy or such, but they'd fully grasp the inherent risks associated with it.