Hayward Vari-Flo XL Valve how to fix water coming out discharge when Recirculate on


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Aug 14, 2015
Hayward Vari-Flo XL Valve seems to be leaking.


Video of the filter in recirculate

I have a filtering issue. My pool has been this brown color, with suspended particles for over 3 weeks with the filter running 24/7 as I have been in and out of SLAM.

My pool chemicals are good. I lost 2 parts FC last night. I realize that does not meet SLAM, but with the number of suspended particles, I can't see what to clean and the water has not cleared at all. I also realize that sand filters take a while to clean, but I have had ZERO effect on clarity. I would expect to see some of the steps, I would expect to see something better than what I have.

I took off the exhaust port and ran the pump in recirculating. As you can see I have water coming out of the exhaust port. When I have it in Filter, I don't lose water, but once again I can't see any filtering occurring.

What are the steps to fix this? Do I need to buy a new head? Thank you in advance.

Lastly is this the replacement valve? Model No. S210T : Amazon.com: Hayward SP0714T VariFlo Top-Mount Control Value, Black: Garden & Outdoor
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