New house green pool

Ok so I finally had some free time today and broke out the test kit. Not sure if my readings are any good but I'm new to this so here is what I have keep in mind my pool looks like a swap and I've been scooping out pine needles all day.

FC 0
CC 0
PH 6.8
TA 30
CL 0

any my and all help greatly appreciated
And CH 50

Keep on scooping. The more organic debris you remove, the faster clearing the swamp will be. The water sample was taken after the pump was on for a while, so the water is mixed, yes? Because snowmelt and rainwater can sit as a layer and you don't want skewed test results.

That said... With no CYA left after winter and a swamp, I worry that Ammonia may have formed from the breakdown of the CYA. So before you dive right into the SLAM process, take a few minutes to check for Ammonia.

1) Raise FC to 10 using bleach. That's 215 fluid ounces of standard 8.25% bleach. It's close enough that you could just dump two full 121 oz jugs in.
2) Retest FC in 10 minutes. If FC is 5.5 or less and CC is high, you probably have Ammonia. It takes massive amounts of bleach to neutralize it if you have it, so it may be cheaper and faster to drain some water and replace it.
Post the results if that happened and we'll walk you through things. If FC is close to 10, then you go to the regular SLAM instructions.
Yes I had already dumped some water below the return to repair an area of the liner then I filled back up to skimmer and vacuumed the floor then cleaned the filter and ran the pump for a bit before taking a water sample. I'm going to head to the store and grab a ton of bleach to have on hand and to perform that test for ammonia. Let you know the results. Thanks for the help.
That's a big drop in FC, so please do the following:
- Raise FC to 10 with bleach; add nothing else at this point but just plain bleach
- Check FC every 10 minutes. If it drops to 4 or below in just 10 minutes, bump it back up to 10 and repeat checking every 10 minutes.
- Once the FC stays between 5-10 ppm in 10 minutes of time, you are ready to begin the official SLAM. That's when you would be able to add stabilizer for a target of 30 ppm, and increase FC to 12 and follow all of the instructions on the SLAM page (link below).

Hope that helps.
A little confused at this point. Do I get and maintain at FC 12 the whole time ? So I don't bring the FC higher than 12 ?
Pretty much. Realistically, if poolmath says add 56 ounces, that's close to half a jug, so just eyeball it. An extra ppm isn't going to break the bank or bleach the liner. But dumping a whole jug in could bleach things.

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No need to check CYA everyday or continuously throughout the SLAM. Your biggest responsibility now is maintaining that FC of 12 and sweeping. brushing, etc. Cleaning the filter too. :) Perhaps in a few days you can check CYA again just to ensure it is still where you programmed it to be. Have a nice day.
So I maintained my FC @12 all day yesterday and all night and only had to make small adjustments a few times should I recheck my CYA ? I don't want to waste reagent if it's not needed.
Did you add any CYA? If liquid, yes, see what you ended up with. If granular, it might be too early to check. Give it another day at least. If you added CYA via dichlor, test it. If you somehow overshot the mark, you'll need to raise the FC level.

If you haven't added any CYA yet, then you need to.
So I've been at it since Saturday and the water doesn't seem to be getting any better. I rechecked the CYA and it seems it jumped up a bit since I 1st started. It was 30 and now is between 40-45. I've been vacuuming and brushing like crazy. I also bumped my FC up to 17 and just tonight to 18. The only other thing that's been against me is that it's been raining and cloudy since Sunday afternoon. Any suggestions ? Is this normal ? How long should it take for this water to clear ?
im also learning I'm not really a fan of the cartridge filter maybe it will grow on me.
Hang in there. It will take time, but it's good you checked the CYA again. If it's near 45, just round-up to 50 which means your FC should be 20. So increase the FC slightly and try to keep it there as much as you can when you're home. That should help. Continue the great work with sweeping, brushing, etc. And if your filter pressure increase by 25%, hose-off the filter(s). A SLAM on a green pool can easily take a full week, and many SLAMs can easily go a couple weeks depending upon the severity of the algae and constancy of the effort applied. The algae didn't grow overnight, so the bleach needs a few days to reverse that trend. Maintaining the proper levels will do just that. Hang in there!

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