Recent content by Megarms

  1. M

    Opening Pool

    It was off the charts. It’s down to about 7.6 now.
  2. M

    Opening Pool

    FC - 5 CC - 0 PH - 8.5+ TA - 110 CH - 300 CYA 60 (or 100 - I am having a really tough time with this test) Salt - 3250 I put a gallon of muriatic acid in this morning and another one just about an hour ago. Any advice on the CYA test would be appreciated. At 60, I can not see the dot or...
  3. M

    Opening Pool

    Ok. Opened my pool on Monday. Water was crystal clear. Got my FC up to 5ppm this morning and then tested. Here are my results. The CYA test seems so arbitrary that it makes me feel as if my am doing something wrong. I am somewhere between 60 - 100...
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  7. M

    Opening Pool

    OK. I am finally getting around to opening this pool. Went to order some CYA from Amazon and can not find anything shy of $2 / lb...
  8. M

    Pool open & sub freezing for days

    How did you end up making out on this deal? Any issues?
  9. M

    First Time Opening My New Pool

    OK, so before I do anything else, just pull the cover, fill with water, remove plugs, and get the pumps going for 24 hours? Then test and post the results?
  10. M

    First Time Opening My New Pool

    I am planning to open my pool for the first time as well. Isn't he going to need some shock and salt too? I see these pool opening kits on Amazon. Are they a waste of money...
  11. M

    New Pool Underway in Sykesville, MD

    Well, got most of the pool area complete the week after Memorial Day. Still much to do in terms of landscaping, furniture, etc.; but here is the general gist of it. I am very happy with the way the way the wall and pavers turned out. The fire pit area and deck/screened porch were already...
  12. M

    FC 3-9 ppm?

    Thank you for the link. Does the Pool Math app automatically adjust the recommended FC level based on what I enter for CYA?
  13. M

    FC 3-9 ppm?

    Owned a pool at my prior home and used the Pool Math app to manage my levels. As I recall, the recommended FC level was 1 - 3 ppm. Fast forward a couple of years, we moved and built another pool. I loaded up the app again, but this time it is calling for 3 - 9 ppm for FC. Am I mistaken or...
  14. M

    Jandy Aquapure Chlorinator - thermometer calibration??

    It shouldn't, but it makes me wonder if there is something wrong with the sensor. I guess I will need to call Jandy since my builder is clueless when it comes to this.