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    • H
      haychtee reacted to PoolStored's post in the thread New pool owner with Like Like.
      Did you run the filter with FLOC in the water? How are you testing the water? Get a test kit. Here are the recommended kits. Order...
    • H
      haychtee reacted to PoolStored's post in the thread New pool owner with Like Like.
      Generally speaking, when floc gets sucked up into a filter it will stay there for a time and remain captured. The problem is that over a...
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      haychtee replied to the thread New pool owner.
      Ok so as of now I still haven’t turned the filter on, I’m going to vacuum to waste and then do SLAM. And hopefully clarity will be fixed...
    • H
      haychtee replied to the thread New pool owner.
      Yes I ran the filter with flic the first time I did it three days ago-however I’ve been doing this for the last 2 years and it always...
    • H
      Hi everyone I’m a new pool owner so whatever I do know is very basic from google. So as the weather is getting warmer we decided to turn...
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