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      bikerdan replied to the thread Test tubes.
      Thank you for that well thought out post. There is a lot of great info there!
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      bikerdan reacted to PoolStored's post in the thread Test tubes with Like Like.
      If you regularly clean your tubes with rubbing alcohol or a water:bleach solution, no need for multiple tubes. I clean them after each...
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      bikerdan posted the thread Test tubes in Just Getting Started.
      As I was browsing though looking at some of your test kit setups, I noticed that many of you have multiple test tubes. That got me...
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Gotcha. Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Interesting. Thanks for clarifying. Any idea why that matters?
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Ok. You’re saying the app rounds to 80? Good to know. The 3080 is coming from a digital salt tester. I haven’t been able to verify its...
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      bikerdan reacted to PoolStored's post in the thread High alkalinity with Like Like.
      Good approach.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      And thanks for all your help. My TA is high but I’m gonna just keep at lowering pH and aerating to lower the TA while keeping an eye on...
      • IMG_1263.png
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      bikerdan added the media item IMG_1263.png to General Pool Photos.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Sounds good to me. It’s an amazing app. So useful!
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      I'm curious. Is CSI different from the Taylor water wheel? I get a different reading from it.
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      bikerdan reacted to JamesW's post in the thread High alkalinity with Like Like.
      I would try to keep it down to 0.0 by lowering the pH and that will work the TA down over time.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      App says CSI is 0.28.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Does it have to be below 0? I thought you just needed it to be as close to 0 as you can and + or - a couple of tenths is acceptable.
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      bikerdan replied to the thread High alkalinity.
      Here is my latest test results. Also, just to clarify, this is fresh water from our normal drinking system out of the wall faucet and...
      • IMG_1262.jpeg
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