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    • mas985
      The pump will most likely be unable to lift the concrete through the vertical plumbing unless it is very small. You might be better off...
    • mas985
      How much concrete is still obscuring the pipe diameter or is it in the sump area?
    • mas985
      If you can put it in tandem with the 3", even though partially clogged, it might be ok although not ideal. Ideally, you really want to...
    • mas985
      Yes, using too much force could crack the PVC. I would try soaking it again now that some has been removed to see if it helps. How...
    • mas985
      Have you tried soaking the area is some muriatic acid? It won't dissolve much but it might release the concrete from the PVC wall. How...
    • mas985
      mas985 replied to the thread Starting up a hot tub.
      You should still not go below a PH of 7 no matter what method you use to add the acid. Also, this is really no different than slowly...
    • mas985
      mas985 replied to the thread Filter pressure reading.
      Was this during the act of backwashing? What is the filter pressure in normal filter mode? Does the gauge go to zero when the pump is off?
    • mas985
      mas985 replied to the thread Run Time and Flow.
      The flow vs RPM line should be very close to linear: How did you measure...
    • mas985
      It looks like most of the concrete is in the sump and not the pipes. You have to chisel it out.
    • mas985
      That is a collapsible hose so it is likely pinching off the flow. Those types of hose have a minimum PSI before they expand and the...
    • mas985
      mas985 replied to the thread Prologic PS-8 System.
      Is only the time showing and not any other item? Normally, even when off air temp and other items show on the display. Are you seeing...
    • mas985
      The acid may help with releasing the concrete from the PVC but it still may need to chipped out. Acid does not dissolve concrete very...
    • mas985
      The pebble tech should not go that deep into the MD line so I would start at the opening into the bottom of the pool and remove what you...
    • mas985
      Are you sure you are counting the revolution correctly? 12 RPM should climb the walls. No unless the cleaner tube is not sealing...
    • mas985
      That fitting appears to be a venturi tube for chemical injection rather than air injection. What is that used for? If that is a venturi...
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