I like the idea about hibernating. Is it too early to start....LOL
I promised some pictures, so here they are.
More trenches, this time for plumbing
As if I didn't have enough killing grass on my conscience, the gas company showed up and ran my service line.
In the mean time, my husband - who has now stated he is getting way too old for this s**t dug a trench for the eventual on demand hot water heater that got our gas service line ran for free. I would quite like the plumber who promised he would install it to show up at any time now. Any time at all....Oh and see that dog in the background. Well that is one of the rare moments she has decided to respect the idea of the fence and stay behind it. Normally, she just treats it like the funnest game of 'how fast can I get under it without Mom noticing...and run through the mud....sigh.
Also further along is my studio building. Its almost done on the outside. Just waiting for the next time my husband is home to finish the porch soffiting and remaining trim that has to wait until that is done. I'll probably start running insulation on the inside this weekend as I can manage that without him. It will be good to have a place to work finally, although we put in a window that directly overlooks the pool, right over where my desk will be built, so I'm not so sure how effective my work ethic will be in the new space. You can also see the new fence/gate we built on the side, where they took our fence down to get their equipment in. We knew we wanted to go back with a gate so we had them tear it all down, but we had to hurry up and build it because of our escape artist doggy.
Finally a little panorama view that makes my pool look tiny. As bad as I thought it was, they did fill in all the trenches and grade a little bit around the pool. They removed most of the trash from the fall in too, but left another trench for my autofill line. I'm also not sure about how they are going to run the electric yet, as I've still not seen sight nor sound of an electrician. Still its better, a mud pit but better. I do have stub outs behind the building for the equipment pad, but I didn't feel like walking out there with a camera so pics will have to wait till next time.
There's no point worrying about the state of the back yard until they've run the deck and pathway. But we are looking into all sorts of remedies. Maybe planting grass plugs - we don't usually get any frost until January around here, so we could feasibly do plugs where we can, and maybe some rye to cover in the mean time. We have areas under a tree that we struggle to grow anything too, so I'm trying to convince husband that a mulch bed/path would be better - he is arguing that we'll have no grass for the dogs left. Yeah, no grass, which is why there's still 5000sf that needs to be planted. He must love to mow or something. I don't quite know what grass he thinks has ever grown there, so I'm probably just going to go ahead and do that myself while he's offshore. Mainly because I'm the one who has to mop 3 times a day to get rid of the muddy paw prints, which I consider gives me veto powers over his whining.