Leaking return line at fernco

Mar 26, 2014
Central Flordia
One of the return lines is leaking. It's a new pool, but I'm sure it wasn't leaking until recently. So I'm not sure if I bumped into it while cleaning or a dog may have bumped into it. Either way it's leaking from the top portion of this fernco coupling. If you look close you can actually see it in the picture. I tried the obvious tightening of the band clamp and it seemed to make it worse so I backed back off on it.

Any suggestions? I kind of like the fernco fitting but not opposed to replacing it with a hard fitting if necessary. I just don't know how I'll do it. There's a valve back at the pump, but there's no stopping the water from coming out of the return fitting when I disconnect that fernco. Unless I somehow plug the return port inside the pool, which brings me to my next question... any idea on how to thread or connect things to the returns on a Doughboy? There's no threads inside, so I don't know how I would go about connecting a DIY aerator or novelty fountain, etc...

Thanks. I'll check when I get home today. Do you recommend I replace the ferno with something hard or just try to get it to re-seat properly? I wonder why they installed it that way, surely the fernco is even more expensive than a PVC reducer. If you recommend replace with a PVC, do you know what type of plastic that return fitting is, and if I can use regular PVC glue with it? I wonder if that's why they went with a fernco.
That appears to be a barbed fitting. Made for poly type tubing. Not a glue type at all.

I would guess that is why the fernco.


Try to reseat the fernco;
Replace the return fitting with a glue or threaded;
Replace the fernco with a short piece of pool hose.
Since my other return is doing fine, I'm going to just try to re-seat this fernco. The inside diameter is 1" so I'll give the 3/4" pipe a whack. I've read where I can use silicon caulk inside the fernco to help with a seal, might try that if re-seating it doesn't work. Just concerned I won't be able to get it off cleanly in the future if needed.

Thanks Charlie.
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