AHHHHHH-my AGP is a swamp!!

If the cover has holes in it, or if it is the mesh type, hanging old water filled bleach jugs around the perimeter will slowly force the tarp to come up with water escaping through the holes into the pool. It can take a few hours. Every once and awhile you may need to go around and pull down on the jugs to keep tension on the cover as the water drains through, due to the friction of the cover on the tops rails.
yep...I HATE those stinkin pillows...I have TWO centered in my pool, the long ones..and they both deflated and sank over the winter! I am thinking of using old car innertubes this next winter...those things never go flat....maybe tieing 8 of them together and putting them in the middle of the pool
Hi , I have the same size pool and the same issue with the rainwater on the cover. I am siphoning it off with a hose and I put the leaf net on the pole, submerse it on top of the hose to create a deep spot. Then most of the water is gone. My question is...how are you doing all this with the cover on and how can you see the pool to know what it looks like? Just wondering???

Good question...I have the ratchet cable release over on my pool deck side...I loosen the cable up there, and lift the cover up onto the deck railing..and it allows me a large enough area under the cover to take tests, see a good portion of water and even put my pool robot in. this portion of my winter cover is NOT under water...it's actually the opposite side of the pool and towards the middle that are submerged.
I don't know how others do it, but we have an old sump pump we use to drain the cover of any water on top. I can't imagine doing the job without it.

If you cover has holes in it and water is seeping into the pool, it could be causing you to endlessly shock until you rid the problems on top.
Suzigzer - Yep, I think you are right..the CRUD on top (since it can seep into the pool through holes in the cover) probably is contributing to my swamp problem. I DID get the cover drained off enough today to get it off.....my shocking for the last 10 days and running my pool robot under the cover has turned green into this. You can still see stuff floating on top, and the dark patches below the waters surface is still junk on the bottom.



my pool bottom has a 'break up" pattern on it..as you can see the pool is blue, but is still very cloudy...so I am just continuing to shock, vacuum and filter for now.

Cover off, and pool ALMOST back to normal...current FC = 8.5 (haven't measured it since 5/16 when it was at 12) CC = .5 CYA=25

Still a little cloudy as you can see...bringing back up to shock level tonight at sunset..and once I go get some more bleach! You can see my Dolphin robot underwater now, just a little blurry. So not quite clear yet.





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we love it..of course we have a big family (8 children)......and this large pool is awesome...UNTIL, you have problems..then you also have BIG problems. Everything on a pool this size is a serious chore..from taking off the winter cover, to installing the solar cover and reel, to cleaning. If you don't mind that, it's great. So far, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Well...only 20 days, and $20 in bleach, and some elbow grease, and my pool went from SWAMP to pool again in 20 days! The kids decided today was the day they wanted to go for a dip...Heater is not even on yet...water temp a BALMY 70 degrees LOL.

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