Inground Spool

May 11, 2009
I decided to post some progress and finished pics of our spool. There are not very many examples of them anywhere on the web that I can find.












I still want to get some photos at night with the LED showing different colors (it looks pretty cool). I need to retake the finished photos because, thanks to this forum, my water looks much, much better.
If you're wondering about the drains on the wall and the jets under the flagstone ledge, those are swim jets for swimming in place. We had them plumbed and had conduit buried for the pumps and blower, but will save that feature for sometime down the road.

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Reactions: Jay76
That is really pretty.Love the deck and how it flows so nicely. Your brave though with the trees right next to it. My luck I would never get to swim I would constantly be picking out stuff that fell out of the trees. I cut my trees all around my pool and the neighbors trees seem to find their way to my pool :roll:
Sorry about that. The links have been fixed.

To update: Still loving the spool after more than a year. We've been using the heat pump and solar cover to maintain ~93 degrees since early March. Doesn't seems to effect the bill too much. Still waiting to buy the pumps and blowers for the swim jets.

Thanks for the interest,

Still loving the spool after more than a year.

When can we come over to check it out? I mean... I just don't wanna take your word for it and all. :mrgreen:

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